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Clarification on transport ‘return to zero’ control.


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I don’t know if this has changed with the latest update or not as I may have missed a couple. Previously, if a section of a project was looped and you stopped in the middle of that loop or after the looped section, when clicking the ‘return to zero’ (in the transport module), it would return to the beginning of the looped section. But now, the ‘return to zero’ button always returns right to the very beginning (bar 1).

The keyboard shortcut ‘w’ still returns to the beginning of the looped section, but the ‘return to zero’ in the transport module doesn’t.

Is there a way to change ‘return to zero’ back to how it was? In that clicking ‘return to zero’ takes you back to the beginning of the looped section?

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Hi Chuckebaby

Many thanks for your reply. It’s not quite what I’m looking for. I already discovered the On Stop, Rewind to Now Marker and disabled it, so when I click Stop, the transport stops there.

So, when I click ‘Stop’ in the transport module all is fine.

But then when I click the Return To Zero button in the transport module after having stopped, it goes right back to the beginning, whereas before, it would go to the beginning of the looped section.

I know that ‘w’ still takes me back to the beginning of the looped section, so that’s all good. But I’ve always found it more convenient to click the Return To Zero in the transport module with my mouse.

So basically I’m looking for the Return To Zero button to be the same as hitting the ‘w’ key when the transport is stopped.

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This is the new changes as far as transport controls are concerned. Hope this helps.


Updated transport behaviors

Go to Start and Go to End buttons now accurately seek to project beginning and end, and do not stop playback.

The W (rewind) key always seeks backwards in time to the prior "landmarks". There are 3 landmarks:

the original playback start time

the loop start time

the project start time (time 0, or 1:1:0)

The RTZ command has been renamed to Rewind to Landmarks
The Go to Beginning (1:1:0) command has been renamed to Go to Start (RTZ)
The Go to Start transport button uses the CTRL+HOME shortcut

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Hi Chuckebaby

Thanks again for your replies. So it’s as I feared. I can’t use the transport RTZ to go back to beginning of a looped section.

I hope that can be changed in that we have the option to rewind to the beginning of the looped section using the RTZ button in the transport module same as the ‘w’ landmarks options.

Please DEVs?

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Hi David, I use a mouse, not touchscreen.

It’s a workflow thing. When I’m listening to something, I tend to sit back in my chair and just have my right hand on the mouse. My mouse is more or less hovering around the transport module controls or clicking around on the screen. I don’t even generally use the space bar to start/stop. So it’s super handy for me to be able to stop wherever, rewind to loop start then play.

So it’s very irritating that I set up to loop say, take two of a song (the takes being spread along the timeline). I stop halfway through take two, click the RTZ to go back and have another listen and find myself back at bar 1.

The original RTZ was: one click to go back to the beginning of the loop, then click again to go right back to bar 1.

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Hi @Jean I understand that any change takes time getting used to. The problem is that RTZ in any other application means what it says Return To ZERO.  The behavior of jumping to a loop start is very unexpected for most new users to the program.

We plan to have a new control bar module with better jump points in the future which should allow for easily navigating around various hotspots in the project. In the interim if you prefer using the mouse you can create a new button in the control bar and assign it to the "Rewind to Landmarks" which is equivalent to the W key.

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Hi Noel

Thanks so much! That workaround will do fine in the interim. (Yet another feature I never knew existed).

Another reason why I use my mouse mostly while listening back to a project is because of the wonderful ability to easily adjust the height and WIDTH of the track headers and get an instant picture of what’s going where: outs, ins, sends, fx rack, phase, mono, stereo et al. (I don’t use the Inspector much) When CbB (Sonar Platinum)’s future was in doubt and I tried a few other DAWs, I was gobsmacked that they didn’t have that fluidity i.e. that the track header widths couldn’t be adjusted and that precious little information was visible with height adjustment.

It’s a USP and feature that Cakewalk by Bandlab should be shouting from the rooftops about!

I’m so happy.?

rewind to landmarks.jpg

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