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For Guitarists here - The TONEX Pedal ( includes TONEX MAX software ) .. All in €350 at Amazon delivered .. Mmmm tempting

aidan o driscoll

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Hi guys,

Im really considering this TONEX PEDAL ( at amazon its €350 inc delivery and includes the TONEX MAX software thats €120 to get seperate ). So the pedal is costing you €230 .. so to speak



I watched this vid reviewing this TONEX Pedal in a live environment.

The Guy live DOESNT use an amp anymore. Just out of tonex to DI with XLR to desk and uses in ear monitors. Have a look at his videro here:

In the vid he does mention a slight disadvantage that when switching patched there is a very slight delay. As always a good work around is provided in the comments:

"Hey man, glad you're loving the Tonex. It's certainly an awesome bit of kit. In the vid you mention a delay when switching presets so wanted to suggest a tip which might help you with that. Out of the box, the Tonex is set up to switch patches on Release of the footswitch, not on Press. This is so you can use A+B or B+C together to switch up and down banks. Personally, I hated the way that felt - I want my patch to switch as soon as I stomp on the footswitch. So if you're happy to do without the option for bank up/down on the unit itself, then you can make your footswitches operate on Press and it feels MUCH more responsive.  You said you're only using 3 patches, so it sounds like that'll suit you.

But even if you want the option for bank up/down later, you can just plug a cheap 2-button momentary switch into the ext.control jack with a TRS cable and problem solved. Hope that helps, brother!"

You have an EXT CONTROL full jack at the back:


Edited by aidan o driscoll
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  • aidan o driscoll changed the title to For Guitarists here - The TONEX Pedal ( includes TONEX MAX software ) .. All in €350 at Amazon delivered .. Mmmm tempting
2 hours ago, aidan o driscoll said:

Im in Europe / Ireland. Here we have VAT - Value added tax @23% ( in US I think its similar to sales tax?? )

So w/o jampoints my price is €399 ex VAT or €491 inc vat


So amazon UK at €350 inc taxes and delivery so far is cheapest even if I take off €91 jampoints from the IK price of €491 inc vat

Similar except sales tax here is more in the 6%-8% depending on the state.   🤔

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4 minutes ago, bluzdog said:

IK is offering a free signature collection when you register a new Tonex pedal this month.


ODS collection is good.  But got that registering my 2nd pedal a while back.

Metal Gems was a previous giveaway elsewhere

Don't have the pedal one but honestly I have more boutique stuff in physical gear (and have profiled some of it) so was hoping for the Mesa or Satch signatures to register a 3rd pedal.  😁

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SO - for you to be able to tone model your own gear or others you need a seperate peice of kit called TONEX Capture:


Another €300 for us in Europe inc vat ( sales tax )

I watched this interesting video about the capture process .. and it sounds like a right pain in the a*rse. Have a look. Anyone tried this yet? And yes there is a PROBLEM in comparison to other - albeit - far dearer solutions like the Kemper Pedal or the quad cortex


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2 hours ago, aidan o driscoll said:

SO - for you to be able to tone model your own gear or others you need a seperate peice of kit called TONEX Capture:


Another €300 for us in Europe inc vat ( sales tax )

I watched this interesting video about the capture process .. and it sounds like a right pain in the a*rse. Have a look. Anyone tried this yet? And yes there is a PROBLEM in comparison to other - albeit - far dearer solutions like the Kemper Pedal or the quad cortex


I've made hundreds of captures.  If you have one of the IK interfaces with a DI out it is easy though you need a very good graphics card to do advanced captures in a somewhat reasonable time.  

That capture unit isn't necessary but is helpful for DI captures without a mic and blasting your amp.  

It is possible to also capture using any reamp box or even a DI with special cables and setup but that does complicate the process.

That said, what gear do you have access to that someone else hasn't captured or sounds and feels unique enough that you would use it over someone else's pro capture?

My situation is unusual as what drew me to it in the first place is access to arguably the greatest amp ever made, which very few have seen or heard let alone played.  So my interest was in capturing that and being able to get that sound at any volume and not have to put wear on the NOS tubes that would cost over $2.5k to replace.


Edited by Brian Walton
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