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Back when POD 1 was cutting edge...


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I had an extra night off so I took a trip down memory lane and through the archives - and I retrieved this "gem".  I think it's the only 100% digital demo that I have for a rock song that I wrote. More of a jam idea than a song actually.

The basic idea dates for the mid-late 90's when I played in a band, before I started dabbling with synths and samplers. All the music I wrote back then is on 1/4 inch tape or has been lost.  But for some reason, I re-recorded this one in 2001. I must have been bored.

I believe the basics would have been recorded in Pro Audio 9, right after I got my Line 6 POD - which I thought was the greatest thing ever. If you've ever worked with that old POD, you'll recognize it I'm sure.

I must have revisited it a little later in Sonar 1 because I remember borrowing my new roommate's bass to do that.

The drum loop is from a demo of some commercial library - the word Soundscan comes to mind, but I am not sure. I think it's something I got off of a CD that came with a music magazine. 
The multitrack is long gone, so this is a snippet of an old MP3. But since it was recorded in PA9, I thought I would drop it here... With an era appropriate photo.

I may have to dig out my old POD... And the old XP laptop.


Edited by Rain
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Sounds pretty cool Rain. And yeah, I used to own a POD too. At one point, I also owned a POD XT Live pedalboard. And I used to own 2 Johnson J-Stations(Johnson's version of the POD) which I actually preferred.

But your right, they were really cool back in the day. They even seemed very ahead of their time. I still rem when my buddy and I first got to play one. We prob looked something like this...


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I used to do Beta Testing for Line6 and had a bunch of their gear!  I even had Mike Soldano mod my '79 Marshall JMP to have a preamp (and more!) so it would sound like the Marshall Line 6 used!  I will say that a Steinberger and a Pod kidney bean fit great together on an Airplane overhead though!

I'll save the pics for another thread. 😉

LOVED that demo Rain!

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9 hours ago, T Boog said:

U still have that head Craig? 

Lost everything in 2009 thanks to a lot of illegal financial stuff that happened while I was off working on a PhD...  Lost two houses, my music studio (that I had sunk $134k into!), a vehicle, and about a million dollars.  My luthier bought back one of my custom guitars and the one in my thumbnail had been paid for, but not built, so I eventually got it.  Other than that, I have relatively nothing left musically!  And, if I don't find a job soon, it will be nothing.  Yay, life!

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18 hours ago, craigb said:

I have relatively nothing left musically!  And, if I don't find a job soon, it will be nothing.

Im sorry to hear that man. Well, I've never been anywhere near that financially well off but I also lost some precious gear. It was actually around that same time(2009) when I severely hurt my back.

My kids had to eat so I had to sell all my gear. Incl my old faithful JCM800. But the one that REALLY hurt ("the one that got away") was my beloved "Marshmallow"   ...a late 70's 50 watt tone beast that was basically gifted to me by a friend of a friend. The guy really loved my playing and just wanted me to have it. (Yeah, that happens to me everyday 😄)

This was a VERY special Marshall. First, the reason we named it Marshmallow was because it had been in a large building fire a few yrs before I got it. Although the amp didnt directly catch fire, the rear chassis was left with burn scars.

The guy I got it from was a really great tech. He had bought it, reupholstered it, upgraded all the damaged components and tweaked it to perfection. He was a massive Duane Allman fan so he dialed it in for that tone.

That f**king thing sounded amazing!  😄

When I wasn't gigging it, I kept it at my bud's house. He lived in a place where we could crank it and jam. My bud had an old Marshall too but it couldnt touch the tone of that amp. Everytime I went pick it up from him, it broke his heart. We both adored that thing.  We ran it thru my 800 cab with Rola 80s and pushed it with an SD-1. It was pure magic.

But u know what?  I don't really care anymore. The older I get, the less I care about material things. We cant take it with us when we pass on. What's more valuable to me now is the memories of all those great times jamming with my pals. I only hope whoever owns Marshmallow now is having as much fun with it as we did. 

Anyway, I pray God sends u a good job soon Craig. I have a feeling ur gonna be fine my friend. You may even look back at this as a time of spiritual growth, which is what's really important in this life. Cheers bud!





Edited by T Boog
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5 hours ago, T Boog said:

But u know what?  I don't really care anymore. The older I get, the less I care about material things. We cant take it with us when we pass on.

A certain very popular and very hated billionaire once said "Until you've lost everything, you don't know what's important and who your friends really are!" and he was right!

 A line I heard a while back... "Hearses don't come with trailer hitches!" 😆 

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4 minutes ago, craigb said:

A certain very popular and very hated billionaire once said "Until you've lost everything, you don't know what's important and who your friends really are!" and he was right!

 A line I heard a while back... "Hearses don't come with trailer hitches!" 😆 

Yeah man. And there's actually something freeing about loosing it all. It's a lot like a colon cleanse...  It hurts a little at first but it's good for u in-the-end 😄

(Btw, Im stealing that hearse line. That's a great freakin line!)

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