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Back when POD 1 was cutting edge...


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I had an extra night off so I took a trip down memory lane and through the archives - and I retrieved this "gem".  I think it's the only 100% digital demo that I have for a rock song that I wrote. More of a jam idea than a song actually.

The basic idea dates for the mid-late 90's when I played in a band, before I started dabbling with synths and samplers. All the music I wrote back then is on 1/4 inch tape or has been lost.  But for some reason, I re-recorded this one in 2001. I must have been bored.

I believe the basics would have been recorded in Pro Audio 9, right after I got my Line 6 POD - which I thought was the greatest thing ever. If you've ever worked with that old POD, you'll recognize it I'm sure.

I must have revisited it a little later in Sonar 1 because I remember borrowing my new roommate's bass to do that.

The drum loop is from a demo of some commercial library - the word Soundscan comes to mind, but I am not sure. I think it's something I got off of a CD that came with a music magazine. 
The multitrack is long gone, so this is a snippet of an old MP3. But since it was recorded in PA9, I thought I would drop it here... With an era appropriate photo.

I may have to dig out my old POD... And the old XP laptop.


Edited by Rain
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Sounds pretty cool Rain. And yeah, I used to own a POD too. At one point, I also owned a POD XT Live pedalboard. And I used to own 2 Johnson J-Stations(Johnson's version of the POD) which I actually preferred.

But your right, they were really cool back in the day. They even seemed very ahead of their time. I still rem when my buddy and I first got to play one. We prob looked something like this...


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I used to do Beta Testing for Line6 and had a bunch of their gear!  I even had Mike Soldano mod my '79 Marshall JMP to have a preamp (and more!) so it would sound like the Marshall Line 6 used!  I will say that a Steinberger and a Pod kidney bean fit great together on an Airplane overhead though!

I'll save the pics for another thread. 😉

LOVED that demo Rain!

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