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Logging into BandLab

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  1. Click bookmark
  2. Enter username + password and submit
  3.  A new page opens asking me to submit a code (I know they are trying to keep the spambots away - so I don't mind)
  4. Wait for the e-mail with the code. Thankfully, so far it has come rather quicly
  5. Enter the code and submit
  6. A new page comes with the message “Oops! Something went wrong. Please try again." (note this is nothing new, and has been happening for a while) The choices are “Contact” and “Existing User? Sign In”. I've tried contact in the past so I click “Existing... ...”
  7. I'm in!!!

Seems like I'm working for the CIA or something :D 

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I'll have to log out on my PC tonight and try to get back in and see what happens.

I have been asked to verify here in the past and it went smooth. I'm glad they do that because as far as I can remember here and Soundcloud are the only 2 accounts my password has ever stolene from. 

I tried to set up a 3rd email and verify across devices on my PC. MS sent the code via email. It never came. Tried twice. And they logged me out of my spoof email I use for stuff like this so I couldn't send it to that alternate email because .....

I recently sub'd to MS Office and MS couldn't see my MS account for Windows so I created a new account. Now I have 2 MS accounts on my PC and it's royally messing things up. It's maddening.

It's to the point that they take over so much of your PC I'm going to have to build a dedicated DAW for the first time ever just so I can install Office on its own PC and let it go full alien rear end probe just to appease it.

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8 hours ago, Notes_Norton said:

Today, no code submission, but still, “Oops! Something went wrong. Please try again."

Something buggy, but not difficult to deal with.

I see that with other things too.  Usually means that the internet isn't quick enough at the moment.  

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