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PG Music Seeking Ideas for Band-in-a-Box GUI Interface Overhaul

Jim Fogle

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In the Band-in-a-Box wishlist forum PG Music is seeking ideas about how to improve the look of Band-in-a-Box. There are threads for: Toolbars, layout, menus, preferences; the Tracks View; the Piano Roll, the Notation view; the Chord Sheet and User interface enhancements. All of the threads have some good ideas but all the threads are dominated by just a few contributors.

Some members of this forum use Band-in-a-Box and likely have some thoughts about how the program interface can be improved.

I hope you will read through the threads and contribute an idea or two. 

The threads are available here: https://www.pgmusic.com/forums/ubbthreads.php?ubb=postlist&Board=9&page=1

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I couldn't really add to that conversation over there but it's great that they are asking for end user input and I'm looking forward to some gui improvements. 👍 I used to have biab but not anymore and haven't used it in years. Honestly I've been wanting to get it again but the gui really needs a face-lift. Glad to hear they are working on it and asking for input.

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It really looks too Windows 3.11-ish for me and is hard to see. I'm not sure if they have support for 4K monitors or not. I haven't used it in a while, but I do recall it being hard for me to see.

And by 4K I mean have the GUI scalable so it's not blurry on a 4K native monitor or if you choose a lower resolution, not necessarily "pretty" if that makes sense.

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I can see your point, Shane.

As far as the Win3.1 design, it doesn't matter. What matters to me is not what it looks like, but how efficiently does it work for me.

I write and sell aftermarket style and song collections for BiaB as a “moonlighting” job. I like that the file data is back-compatible, so that I don't have to re-do all my old files. https://www.nortonmusic.com

Since I play sax, wind synth, drums, bass, guitar, flue & keyboards for a living (in various levels of competency/incompetency), and since I did study music arranging in school, writing aftermarket styles was at first just playing with BiaB, but it turned out to be a side biz way back in the 1990s. I've sold my wares to musicians in over 100 different countries. No, it hasn't made me rich, but makes enough so I don't have to travel to gig in the slow season.


Insights and incites by Notes ♫

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Poor Bob!  If he lived in Southern California, he'd know that it doesn't matter if you're not functional as long as you look good! 😜


(No, I don't miss the plastic people.  Plastic in both body augmentation and personality! 😉)

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20 hours ago, craigb said:

Poor Bob!  If he lived in Southern California, he'd know that it doesn't matter if you're not functional as long as you look good! 😜


(No, I don't miss the plastic people.  Plastic in both body augmentation and personality! 😉)

I don't have that problem. I'm not an Adonis by any stretch of the imagination, nor ugly, just average.

But I play the saxophone. :x

It just so happens that there are enough females in the world who think the sax is a sexy instrument and are willing to take a chance with the sax player. I wouldn't know how to meet a girl any other way. And I got the best one of all, the current Mrs. Notes.


Insights and incites by Notes ♫

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