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Riff Raff on Broadway (alt instrumental)

Larry T.

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Greetings All. Here's Riff Raff on Broadway. Observations welcomed. Cheers 🎵🎶

link: https://larryterrano.bandcamp.com/track/riff-raff-on-broadway


640x368 riff raff small.jpg


DAW: Cakewalk by Bandlab

 pc: windows 10, i7-4770 CPU @ 3.40 GHz, 8GB ram, DI electric guitars, DI bass, SI bass, SI drums, arturia minilab mkII, arturia analog lab 5 lite, Augmented Mallets, Augmented Strings

reference speakers: M-Audio BX3

Edited by Larry T.
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Did you play the fast note parts or use an arp? The guitar melody almost speaks. Nice unexpected changes and incoming instrumentation. It has a bit of a broadway feel here and there. The mix sounds well done. Good song.

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8 hours ago, jack c. said:

the arpeggio is a bit out of timing but song sounds really cool.jack c

Thanks for the listen jack. I checked the piano rolls for both synths and I did quantize them and they are not out of sequence. Is there a specific section/time you can specify? Cheers 🎵🎶

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4 hours ago, treesha said:

Did you play the fast note parts or use an arp? The guitar melody almost speaks. Nice unexpected changes and incoming instrumentation. It has a bit of a broadway feel here and there. The mix sounds well done. Good song.

Thanks so much treesha. Appreciate the kind words.  I wrote both sequencer parts (one is an Arturia Augmented Strings synth, the other is an Arturia Analog Lab V synth) using the piano roll. Just write four bars or so till they sound right, magnify the piano roll to its maximum view to make sure you have the piano roll bars placed correctly with respect to timing i.e. do they sound like a sequencer (this is important), Quantize them (this is important), then copy and paste one after the other.

The mix is my ears. What is a first for me is that I used Izotope Ozone Elements AI to master my 2 track static mix. I did an A/B listen and have to say that the Izotope mixes pros outweighed its cons. Cheers 🎵🎶


Edited by Larry T.
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1 hour ago, KSband said:

Cool how you mixed the guitars with the synth sounds.

It was just a question of what frequencies were left to work with that can cut through two sequencers. I kept the guitar notes deliberately slow and melodic as the sequencers are always in overdrive speed so to speak. Cheers 🎵🎶

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