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Freezing multiple MIDI tracks


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I wrote about this topic years ago and still haven't resolved the problem.   When i want to freeze several MIDI tracks I was told you can hold down the control key and left-mouse click each track you would like to freeze so they are now highlighted (see attached).   When I try that the only track that freezes is the one where I click on the 'freeze' icon.  The other require a separate click to freeze later.  I'm trying to save time and freeze several tracks at once.  

I believe another user said it works fine for them so perhaps I'm doing something wrong.  In the attached screen shot I would like tracks 32 and 34 to freeze after I click the freeze icon on either of them.  I've tried left-click freeze and ctrl-left-click freeze to no avail.



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16 minutes ago, Promidi said:

Have you tried selecting the actual MIDI tracks (track 33 and 35), then doing the Hold CTRL Freeze?

Try this, you need to have the CTRL button held down when you want to activate the same control in the group you have selected. IIRC, control groups were implemented in X3, so any version after that should work that way.

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5 minutes ago, mettelus said:

 IIRC, control groups were implemented in X3, so any version after that should work that way.

I have a vague memory of a bug (that was recently fixed, however) that prevented a freeze operation being applied to quick groups.

But in any case, I tested with multiple SITS and I was able to quick group freeze them all. 

When I split the SITS, I had to select the actual MIDI tracks to get the quick group freeze to work.  Selecting just the audio tracks did not perform the quick group freeze.

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2 hours ago, Promidi said:

When I split the SITS, I had to select the actual MIDI tracks to get the quick group freeze to work. 

Exactly.  The selected tracks in the OP's screenshot are Synth audio tracks, not Simple Instruments. In order to freeze separate Synth audio and MIDI tracks, you need to select the relevant MIDI track(s) as well. I just checked and CbB successfully group-froze three split Instrument tracks with no problem when I selected all six MIDI and Synth tracks.

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Select the tracks then hold CTRL and click ONE Freeze button.

This works great for single tracks but out of several tries it only worked once for split synth/MIDI tracks.

Attempts using other methods crashed CbB or only froze one track.


BTW, this room is for paying Sonar customers.  You should take this down the hall 2 doors on the left before Security arrives. ;)

Edited by sjoens
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