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Freezing Due to Audio Driver Issues


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I'm using Cakewalk to record audio, no MIDI or anything. Originally, I was using the WASAPI driver, and it worked fine for a day. I close the project, come back the next day, and it won't play. Constant audio engine dropouts, and I'm not getting any sound besides a brief blip when I hit play.

I do a bit of research and everyone says to switch to ASIO. I download ASIO4ALL, and it works fine for a day. I close the project, try to open it the next day, and it's stuck on the "Opening Project, Almost done..." screen infinitely.

If I go into preferences first and change back to WASAPI, it opens the project, but of course, it won't play with WASAPI. So, I switch back to ASIO, bypass the compatibility warning, and Cakewalk freezes.

Since ASIO4ALL isn't compatible with Cakewalk, my next step would be to try downloading another ASIO driver. However, I have no idea how to go about that. I'm pretty tech savvy, but I'm not familiar with audio drivers, and googling to find an ASIO driver for my machine has led me right back to ASIO4ALL so far.

My motherboard is running the Realtek ALC892 codec. I'm currently trying to download the driver for that from Realtek's website, which for all I know may be a pointless thing to do. It's also taking forever to download for some reason, so I won't know for sure if it's not pointless for probably a few hours at least.

Am I downloading the right thing? Should I be looking for something else? Is there something I can do to make WASAPI work instead to avoid all this mess?

I'm running Windows 10 with an i5-6600K and 16GB RAM.


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ASIO drivers generally are only supported & supplied with an external audio I/O device. 

Your best bet is to completely delete Asio4All as it is known to be a disaster and try to set up the DAW using WASAPI (Shared). This will allow your DAW, browser, & system audio to run simultaneously. 

Edited by OutrageProductions
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4 minutes ago, Byron Dickens said:

You need to get an audio interface that has a manufacturer supplied ASIO driver if you are recording audio or you will have sync issues.

Not only that your audio is being trashed by a $2 A/D converter that was designed for making Zoom calls. 
 It is simply not recommended to record audio with out using a proper audio interface. You get all the correct tools you need. ASIO drivers, proper input connections and proper monitoring controls. 


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14 minutes ago, Glenn Stanton said:

actually the UMC22 uses ASIO4ALL as its "ASIO driver". whereas the UMC202HD does have an ASIO driver (which is the same as used by the UMC1820)

Wow! Thanks for catching that Glenn. Fwiw, I did read up on it to make sure before I posted but I guess I misunderstood. Oh well... the 202HD comes with more features and is an equally great deal. That'd be my go to. Cheers! 

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I find it odd that so many people get stuck with that interface which on the list of 40 choices of inexpensive 2x2 interfaces is the very worst choice. No driver as well as the lowest quality pre amps. 
All this information is available if you take the time to look it up. 

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20 hours ago, Sock Monkey said:

Not only that your audio is being trashed by a $2 A/D converter that was designed for making Zoom calls. 
 It is simply not recommended to record audio with out using a proper audio interface. You get all the correct tools you need. ASIO drivers, proper input connections and proper monitoring controls. 


I appreciate the recommendations! However, I'm really only doing this as a casual hobby, so I'm not looking to invest into an audio interface right now. I'll keep these in mind for the future though!

22 hours ago, Sock Monkey said:

Yes it’s only ASIO if you own an interface. 
WASAPI shared with the Realtek. 

WASAPI Shared still has the same playback issues as WASAPI Exclusive, except now it also doesn't let me use my headphones and it claims the device is in use. If I switch it to another source (my external speakers), I still just get a brief blip of noise and then the playback stops.

Mind you, this issue doesn't occur when I start a new project, at least not for the first two tracks or so. Then, I add a third audio track, and nothing plays once again.

At this point, Cakewalk is just completely unusable.

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1 hour ago, Sock Monkey said:

No driver as well as the lowest quality pre amps

Cheers Sock. Yeah, that's the only reason I chimed in. I still dont know much, technically speaking, compared to most of u guys. However, I know my UMC204 interface and it's great. When I bought it about 7 months ago it was $119 at Sweetwater and I was super impressed with it for that price. But now it's only $79 new! That's a steal of deal.

Before that, I had two diff Presonus interfaces and both gave me problems. The UMC has been perfect in every way.👍

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40 minutes ago, 57Gregy said:



Recommended, not required. Though, if Cakewalk cannot function without external audio hardware, perhaps it should be listed as required, not recommended.

17 minutes ago, Bristol_Jonesey said:

In that case you are going to run into problem after problem, no matter which DAW you use

I've used other DAWs in the past on this machine that worked just fine. Unfortunately, my license ran out for that software, which is why I'm trying Cakewalk instead. I wanted something free to use with more features catered to music production, rather than just using something like Audacity.

24 minutes ago, Byron Dickens said:

It is highly useable. That you are unwilling to invest in proper equipment is your fault, not Cakewalk's.

I shouldn't have to buy external hardware just to record some song covers for fun, especially when other DAWs have worked on my machine in the past. Again, I appreciate all the advice surrounding the equipment, but I'm really just doing this for fun.

Cakewalk should run on my machine as-is. I would appreciate it if anyone has some insight as to how I can troubleshoot the issue with the WASAPI driver I'm having.

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41 minutes ago, T Boog said:

If I buy one for u, will u shut up and go away? 


There's no need to be rude. I'm just asking how to make this program work like it's supposed to. No need to comment on the issue if you don't have any suggestions for a solution.

Though, if you'd like to send me money for one, go right ahead.

Edited by kappn
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11 minutes ago, kappn said:

There's no need to be rude

 I was just teasing u my friend. Truth be told, I cant justify spending much on gear myself. But $69 would not only solve ur problem, it would give u better sounding results and less future headaches. Plus, it'd show the people here that u take it at least a little seriously which would help them take ur problems more seriously.

I'm just being honest. It's the Jerry Maguire thing... Help them help you. If money's tight though, I can def sympathize. Either way, I wish u luck👍

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3 hours ago, Bristol_Jonesey said:

In that case you are going to run into problem after problem, no matter which DAW you use

This is not true, and many other daws work fine with asio4all... Kappn may want to consider looking elsewhere software wise, after all it's supposed to be fun not a battle 🤷‍♂️

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1 hour ago, pwallie said:

Kappn may want to consider looking elsewhere software wise

It also seems like Kappn wouldn't want a daw with the learning curve of Cakewalk. If I were doing it just for fun to whip out some quick cover tunes, Id want something more basic. Surely one of the other free daws would be a better fit.

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