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Sonar 2024.12 Feedback

Morten Saether

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1 hour ago, David Baay said:

I coudn't reproduce this. A few questions:

Is it audible or just a waveform drawing error?

Have you seen more than one instance of this?

Is it a single clip in a single-lane track?

Was the range of the lowered gain segment modified after setting the level?

Hi David, - Thanks for responding 

1. Is it audible or just a waveform drawing error?

It's audible 

2. Have you seen more than one instance of this?

Yes, Within the same Project. 

3. Is it a single clip in a single-lane track?

It occurs in both single and stereo tracks 

4. Was the range of the lowered gain segment modified after setting the level?


But getting back to Question #2 

I haven't been able to re-create this in other projects.   and even more strange is that in earlier versions of this project - it seems fine, So It may be that this version of the project is corrupt in some way.  which is a tad annoying as I need to complete this by the 20th. 

Looks like I'm going to have to go back to earlier versions and start over! 







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About the waveform not responding properly to the clip gain envelope:

Are the responding and non-responding parts in separate clips? I have occasionally had a clip lose the ability to respond to the clip gain envelope while other clips continue to respond just fine. For me, this is usually fixed by doing the following:

1. Copy the non-responding clip to an empty space in the track.

2. Delete the clip copy that was just made.

This strange fix has worked for me a number of times. It is as though the clip gain envelope gets "unlinked" from the clip, and then gets restored when the clip is copied somewhere else. I have never reproduced the problem at will. It appears to occur randomly, and only once in a great while.

This may or may not be what you are experiencing, but it might be worth a try.

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6 hours ago, icu81b4 said:

I haven't been able to re-create this in other projects.   and even more strange is that in earlier versions of this project - it seems fine, So It may be that this version of the project is corrupt in some way.

Sorry, I have no really good ideas why this might be happening other than that. But if it's failing in just a few specific places, you might try splitting those clips at a convenient point and seeing if the separate clip envelopes will behave.

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I would try:
1. Bouncing the clip 1st then adjust gain
2. Copy clip to a new track by Ctrl+drag to lower empty space (not using the Duplicate Track function) then adjust gain
3. Adjusting gain on another part of the clip to reproduce issue

If none of these work, the clip could be compromised.  

11 hours ago, icu81b4 said:

Looks like I'm going to have to go back to earlier versions and start over!

I've had to do this many times - thus the reason for multiple saved project versions.

Edited by sjoens
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11 hours ago, Noel Borthwick said:

Perhaps send a copy of the project with the non responsive clip envelope.

Thanks Noel, Can you point me in the right direction on how to do that? 

I have deleted all the tracks and fx apart from one track and it is still not working as it should, So I'm guessing this particuler project is corrupt somehow. 

If I start afresh and import the clip into a track it works fine. 


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4 hours ago, Noel Borthwick said:

clip gain does not apply to clips that have region effects.

I knew I should have asked for a screenshot that wasn't zoomed in so far to see the full context, but given that the clip gain was having a visual (as well as audible) effect on part of the clip, shouldn't his screenshot show a color change in the clip where the Region FX  starts?

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4 hours ago, Noel Borthwick said:

@icu81b4 clip gain does not apply to clips that have region effects. Region effects read raw audio data directly from the clip.
If you want to use clip gain you will have to bounce to clip first.

I've pm'd you again ... 


But for David's benifit I have repeated my response. 

Well, that's something i've learned, but why is the same error occuring on the last part of the track, the clip withour any region effects applied? 


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@Toy @Steve Moddelmog

On 12/13/2024 at 4:35 AM, Toy said:

it is not directly related to the performance of Sonar,
It looks like the "Cakewalk Product Center" doesn't recognize the version correctly.

On 12/16/2024 at 9:44 AM, Steve Moddelmog said:

Same here

We just released a new version of CPC, which resolves this. Please lmk if you encounter any issues. Ty!


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@Jesse Jost Couple of points Following the download of the new CPC it did not launch the installer automatically.

It also Identified a number of things to install for both Sonar and Next that are already installed, is that correct? I checked the version they are up to date.

And thanks but I have Melodyne Studio installed is there no way that can be identified? 

Just a couple of observation no biggy.

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No melodyne is a completely different installer and it isn't appropriate for product center to sniff out other companies products.

Installing cakewalk's version of melodyne won't have any detrimental effect on the studio version because they handle that automatically. Iow it will not affect your studio license.

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On 12/12/2024 at 11:41 AM, crazy sniffable said:

After restarting Sonar due to issue 1, in the quick start menu, my file has " (untitled)" at the end of it, although it has a title, and it doesn't include "(untitled)" in it

@crazy sniffable I had a similar issue. Seems to pick this information up from the project notes in the browser.

Edited by Keith Wilby
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On 12/13/2024 at 5:17 AM, Wookiee said:

@crazy sniffable are you using Workspaces? Not all Workspaces have the same commands, it is how Workspaces work.

Sorry, I missed your reply. I'm not using Workspaces. If the question was related to my issue with menu options not being available, it wasn't just a few - the only menu options were those that show when you have no project open. Pretty sure it's a bug with the "one project open at a time". Thanks though.

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Currently having two issues with this build. As this is the first build I have used i do not know if these exisited prior to this release.

Issue #1 - After recording of automation (e.g. slider fade) play back of automation will not work until project is saved, closed and reloaded.

Issue #2 - Control surface input has notable delay (e.g. Arturia Keylab88 mapped as mackie controller, sliders work but there is significant delay before DAW responds rendering the control surface unusable)

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