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CW by Bandlab Suddenly Not Starting- SOLVED- See Noel's Post Link Below


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5 minutes ago, Graham Pascoe said:

I'm having the same problem.  Any news on how to fix it? Many thanks

I'm seeing a few users pop up with this. Not sure I have much info other than what I've tried ( see detailed post above). Maybe that will help you avoid running in circles.

Here's a strange catch: I decided to use CW's 3 day trial to get SONAR. Installed it. Same issue. Now that's weird.

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17 minutes ago, DCMG said:

I'm seeing a few users pop up with this. Not sure I have much info other than what I've tried ( see detailed post above). Maybe that will help you avoid running in circles.

Here's a strange catch: I decided to use CW's 3 day trial to get SONAR. Installed it. Same issue. Now that's weird.

I am unable to start Cakewalk Product Centre either.  I hope it's just a temporary thing.

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1 hour ago, VicA said:

Same Issue here ...

I've been working all day on this one. No luck yet but please see my post higher in the thread where I keep updating what I've tried. It might help. 

Process 12-10-24 CW Issue.png

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1 hour ago, Graham Pascoe said:

I am unable to start Cakewalk Product Centre either.  I hope it's just a temporary thing.

Same. Nothing else on my system is behaving like this. I also downloaded SONAR thinking that surely will work. Nope. I'm baffled.

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MSVCP140.dll is associated with the C++ Redistributables. Here is an MS article on that (and VCRUNTIME140.dll) which recommends uninstalling them first rather than installing them over top a potentially corrupt version.

With potentially corrupted system files, I would first do a SFC and DISM run (be sure to run the "DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth" portion per this article). That is quick to do, and can reboot and see if that addresses anything before tackling the C++ Redistributables again.

As you have clients affected, and this has impacted more than just you, getting @Noel Borthwick involved would be warranted. IIRC, he pinpointed one bad C++ Redistributable was being deployed by DaVince Resolve previously.

Edited by mettelus
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17 minutes ago, mettelus said:

MSVCP140.dll is associated with the C++ Redistributables. Here is an MS article on that (and VCRUNTIME140.dll) which recommends uninstalling them first rather than intsalling them overtop a potentially corrupt version.

With potentially corrupted system files, I would first do a SFC and DISM run (be sure to run the "DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth" portion per this article). That is quick to do, and can reboot and see if that addresses anything before tackling the C++ Redistributables again.

As you have clients affected, and this has impacted more than just you, getting @Noel Borthwick involved would be warranted. IIRC, he pinpointed one bad C++ Redistributable was being deployed by DaVince Resolve previously.


Thanks, that's helpful.

So a strange update (not a fix per se): 

I had tried earlier in this process to use a restore point from 12-3-24 listed as a Windows Update triggered restore point. I had no record of one happening on that day, but nonetheless I tried that. It stopped me out claiming my antivirus would not allow that. So I bailed on that idea. My system had been working fine up until 12-9 anyways so I didn't put much weight on that fix.

Just for the hell of it, I tried that again as I currently have Bitdefender removed for troubleshooting.

THIS RESTORE POINT WORKED....and CW is now starting.  Chrome is a casualty but I can live with that, if it allows me to keep working for the next few days. This doesn't solve the issue at all but maybe it will help others dealing with this. 

I suspect a clean Windows install is in my near future anyways with all this mucking about .


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1 minute ago, DCMG said:

I suspect a clean Windows install is in my near future anyways with all this mucking about .

Honestly, that is overkill... the DISM run compares your installed Windows verion versus the version it "should" be, referencing Microsoft's servers. It can take several minutes to run, but there is no re-installing anything (HUGE benefit).... it just compares all of your system files versus what should be there and replaces offenders as needed. DISM has saved me a lot of work more than once.

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I can’t help but think that using what is now unsupported software to earn a living is possibly not a good idea.. 

Sonar was just on sale and even if you are dead against subscription like most of us are, it’s a possible option. 

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Don't do a clean install of Cakewalk it's definitely not required in this case.

This is almost 100% a case of damaged or mismatched redistributables. I really have no idea why this is happening, but my only explanation is some other software is installing bad versions of the redists.

Please follow the instructions in this link and first remove all the redists and then run the latest Sonar installer or use our redist installer to put back the latest good versions.


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1 hour ago, Sock Monkey said:

I can’t help but think that using what is now unsupported software to earn a living is possibly not a good idea.. 

Sonar was just on sale and even if you are dead against subscription like most of us are, it’s a possible option. 

Assuming that comment was less snarky than it sounded, I will say this:

I've been using CW for over 25 years, most of it as a full paying customer. I earn my living with my system, so that's *exactly* the reason why I never upgrade immediately. Once the software has some time and feedback, I upgrade when my schedule allows some time to install/configure and get familiar. I have zero issue with subscription model. I'll support the developers as needed to make sure the product remains financially viable.

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42 minutes ago, Noel Borthwick said:

Don't do a clean install of Cakewalk it's definitely not required in this case.

This is almost 100% a case of damaged or mismatched redistributables. I really have no idea why this is happening, but my only explanation is some other software is installing bad versions of the redists.

Please follow the instructions in this link and first remove all the redists and then run the latest Sonar installer or use our redist installer to put back the latest good versions.


Noel- Thanks for the info. I was pointed to your post from others earlier in the thread. I think the step of uninstalling the previous redists may have been the crucial step that I missed? To clarify, do you suggest ONLY uninstalling the redists shown in your screenshot?

I still have no explanation for stepping away from my system for an hour and having nothing work when I returned. No immediate evidence of updates/crashes/unexpected power loss or anything during that time. Strangest problem I've encountered in many years.

Thankful to have a workaround in a System Restore point from 12-3-24 that worked enough to allow me to finish out some client work this week. Then I'll observe how my system is working after all that has happened. Thanks again for responding (and to Mia on your support line for reaching out tonight as well.) Still keen to figure out what caused this if only to avoid it in the future 😄

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I had what appears to be exactly the same problem:

Faulting application name: Cakewalk.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x67460249
Faulting module name: MSVCP140.dll, version: 14.29.30133.0, time stamp: 0x60ff28cc
Exception code: 0xc0000005
Fault offset: 0x0000000000013020
Faulting process id: 0x0x8F4
Faulting application start time: 0x0x1DB4A9EFFF5FD78
Faulting application path: C:\Program Files\Cakewalk\Cakewalk Core\Cakewalk.exe
Faulting module path: C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\MSVCP140.dll
Report Id: ac01c4e5-15bb-4618-bf3e-6b21816988f9
Faulting package full name: 
Faulting package-relative application ID: 

In my case, I had just installed Melodyne 5 a couple days prior.  It installed MS Visual C++  (it was listed in my apps list when sorted by install date just before Melodyne 5.  The MS Visual C++ allowed me to repair the installation via the modify button



After chosing the repair option Cakewalk opened again.


I hope this helps.

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Using Karl's solution worked for me. I had a Windows update this morning which seemed to cause the problem. Everything working fine yesterday. Going to control panel / uninstall a program  - clicking and choosing repair option on Microsoft Visual C++ 2015-2022 Redistributable (x64) - 14.42.34433 solved the problem and Cakewalk DAW now starting correctly. I guess the Windows update corrupted the redistributable somehow?

Thanks Karl

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8 hours ago, DCMG said:

Noel- Thanks for the info. I was pointed to your post from others earlier in the thread. I think the step of uninstalling the previous redists may have been the crucial step that I missed? To clarify, do you suggest ONLY uninstalling the redists shown in your screensho

I had one user who had that issue and I had him search for Visual C++ and first remove all resists, then run the latest Sonar install (or our redist installer) which installs the latest redist as well as the proper Microsoft legacy redist installer. That was the only thing that fixed it for him.
As I said, I don’t know what is causing this. Its very odd if its breaking and you aren’t aware of any installers that were explicitly run, The only thing I can think of is maybe Windows update did something. I would use the feedback app in Windows and report this to Microsoft. Its crazy how brittle their visual studio redist has become over the last year.

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I think we are all having a problem with MSVCP140.dll. this file is part of the MS Visual C++ redistributable. I think what's going is that some vendors have a version is considered valid when you run the System File Checker but it's not as new as Microsoft's. It looked to me like the problem goes at least to 2017.

I think the simplest fix is to into your installed apps list, double click on the MS Visual C++ and click repair. Another way is to go back to a restore point (which haven't tested but is reported to fix the issue).


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1 hour ago, karl stevens said:

I think we are all having a problem with MSVCP140.dll. this file is part of the MS Visual C++ redistributable. I think what's going is that some vendors have a version is considered valid when you run the System File Checker but it's not as new as Microsoft's. It looked to me like the problem goes at least to 2017.

I think the simplest fix is to into your installed apps list, double click on the MS Visual C++ and click repair. Another way is to go back to a restore point (which haven't tested but is reported to fix the issue).


Yes, the restore point was at least a fix to get back up and running. 

For clarity, do we know at this point *exactly* which  MS Visual C++ redistributables are involved? Just the ones in Noel's screenshot and nothing else?  ( I know I had more than those on my system). 

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Reading this makes me wonder if this is at the heart of my crashes? 
I have most definitely installed a few other Daw’s as well as an update to Vegas. If you want a program that crashes a lot try Vegas! 

Not only that Harrison crashed a few times! 
And possibly this is where I should be looking. 

I had another Sonar crash yesterday on a simple all midi project. There was no crash dump file? 

Support staff has just replied and is insisting that the only solution is to do a clean install of Sonar.  

I will look into this instead. 
I’ll put my money on the Vegas update! 
But I also just installed ( censored) pro 13. 

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