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Other tracks in group not muting when Soloing one

Cobus Prinsloo

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This is an enigma. I have a group containing 3x vocal tracks and soloed the first track (the lead vocal).

But, for some reason, the two harmony tracks still play along, no matter what I try. I even Muted the other two, but they still play! The only way to kill their playback is to literally delete them.

Can someone please propose a theory that might explain this phenomenon?


Edited by Cobus Prinsloo
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57 minutes ago, Wookiee said:

Do they feed a common FX buss?

Yes -- the all feed into an Aux bus with Reverb. Aah, so this is the culprit, then! When I mute this bus, Solo mode functions properly for each track.
Does this mean that I'll have to mute that bus every time I need to solo any of these tracks, or is there a better way around the problem?

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@Cobus Prinsloo when you solo a track you will still hear anything sharing the same buss as the buss is part of the chain. There are also different Solo modes. Solo, a mode that reduces the volume of all the tracks by a predetermined dB amount.

I tried to search the reference guide, for a page fir you, but it was not playing nice.

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@Cobus Prinsloo Looks like those tracks probably all have Prefader Sends to 'aux reverb'. If you don't have LinkPFSendMute=True set in Preferences > Configuration File (i.e LinkPFSendMute=1 in AUD.INI), those sends will remain active when another track is soloed. Depending on what's on that Aux, you could continue to hear those tracks more or less clearly when the one is soloed.

Edited by David Baay
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1 hour ago, Cobus Prinsloo said:

Oh, ok then, thank you. I thought Sonar might have a few extras not covered in the Cakewalk documentation.

The rewrite is in hand but at this moment that basically CbB & Sonar are so close as not to be different. 

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