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Discount Membership offer

Michael Vogel

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It’s a shame the Bandlab app can’t tell you’re already a member with a subscription. Wait, it can because it knows to send an email to the one associated with my registered account.

i received the email offering 60% ($100) discount on a years membership and thought, great, I’ll extend my Sonar sub for another year. Terrific some added value for people who support the sub model.

No deal unfortunately. When I go to claim the offer I’m told I already have a sub so ineligible.
So why send me an offer I can’t take advantage of.

infuriatingly annoying.

Edited by Michael Vogel
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Capitalism :)

But seriously, folks... welcome to the joys of subscription.  A subscription is like fly paper.  Pretty soon you realize you're stuck.  You're not gonna give up the DAW, and you're gonna pay the yearly tribute ad-infinitum.  The Bandlab overlords (love them as I do....) are on high above the clouds. They know that once you're on the paper, they got ya.

Fancy to meet you on the fly paper we're both stuck on.


Edited by Rickddd
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They need new "subscribers" (renters),  not sustain the existing ones.

I got the offer too. I originally signed up but cancelled before it renewed. I didn't try to see if this 60% discount would go through since I don't like the rental model. Based on your experience I suspect it would have failed anyway.

I am a tad surprised the discount is that high though. But if you want in, it's a decent price cut.

Edited by Terry Kelley
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I was on the monthly rental when they offered me the 50% ?? off deal last June? A bunch of us were upset about the policy. We were told that they would look into fixing this in the future. Hmm.  
But I simply logged in as a new account and took the bait. It came to a little more than $100 I think. 
I just bought a very competitive Daw for $50. I own it for life. End of story. 
( now the count down to the lock-in this thread) 

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Our apologies regarding this. We hope to make it possible for current subscribers to upgrade or extend their membership plans through these deals in the future. We sent the Black Friday Sale email to everyone who subscribed to our Cakewalk newsletters without filtering out our current subscribers. This is also one of our biggest sales so far, and we're actively working on improving our outreach. I've already forwarded your feedback to our internal team.

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On 12/3/2024 at 5:50 PM, Sock Monkey said:

I was on the monthly rental when they offered me the 50% ?? off deal last June? A bunch of us were upset about the policy. We were told that they would look into fixing this in the future. Hmm.  
But I simply logged in as a new account and took the bait. It came to a little more than $100 I think. 
I just bought a very competitive Daw for $50. I own it for life. End of story. 
( now the count down to the lock-in this thread) 

Hi Sock Monkey,

Which DAW did you buy for $50? Thanks.

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12 hours ago, Ashwin Rao said:

Our apologies regarding this. We hope to make it possible for current subscribers to upgrade or extend their membership plans through these deals in the future. We sent the Black Friday Sale email to everyone who subscribed to our Cakewalk newsletters without filtering out our current subscribers. This is also one of our biggest sales so far, and we're actively working on improving our outreach. I've already forwarded your feedback to our internal team.

Come on Bakers, full license for the new year🤙

Edited by GIM Productions
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1 hour ago, Terry Kelley said:

It’s not the Bakers. It’s Bandlab. 


The dev team are chefs, Ashwin is waitstaff. Neither have the ability to do anything about what or how restaurant customers pay for their meal except relay customers' preferences to management. Management have many other restaurants to manage.

Maybe to them, NuSonar is the fresh baked bread that comes with a meal. You can't go into the restaurant and only order the bread.

Whatever else, diners may not shout the names of other restaurants in the dining room.😉

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Nevertheless, I'm thinking of going for it despite the fact I haven't recorded anything in a long while.
Seventy-one dollars is a great price. Paid $50 for Music Creator 2003 in 2002 at Circuit City. That was essentially MC 2 with a MIDI-to-game port cable.
Then MC Pro 24 was, I think, $79 from Cakewalk, mailed disk.
Got SONAR Home Studio 6 XL at Sam Ash for ~$179. Could have gotten it for less from Cakewalk, but I wanted it NOW!
Cakewalk gave me a copy of MC 6 to try out, but I never warmed to it because it looked so different from SHS 6.
Bought the download of X3 for $29 from CW right as Platinum was being released. I know some of you have spent thousands on music software over that same span.
I've had CbB ever since it was released, and it works well for me.
Still have all the disks, although SHS 6 is the only one I can get to work on my W 10 and W 11 machines.
I hope Black Friday lasts until next payday!

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You may hate subscriptions but it is the way of the software world going forward. 

All software developers have mortgages, mouths to feed. Subscriptions are the result of pirates and stolen software. So many complain about paying for software, but how would you feel if every now and then you found 75% of your wages had been stopped because theives had stolen product from your employer, leaving him unable to pay your wages, because he had bills to pay.

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Sonar 5.  Loved that version.  And I think people forget the MSRP on that was about $800.  And you didn't get it free for 5 years.  Hell...I spent $450 for CWPA 4.0 in 1996(ish).  I was already $1,000 on Cakewalk software by the time Sonar 5 came out.

Found this on the web:

Sonar 5 Producer Edition is $799MSRP.

Sonar 5 Studio Edition is $479 and both are now shipping.

Registered Sonar 4 Producer customers can upgrade to Sonar 5 Producer Edition directly through Cakewalk for $179.

I also had to walk home barefooted in the snow, uphill, both ways.



Edited by HOOK
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Prior to Bandlab I spent around £2,800.00 on upgrades. Probably another £500.00 on addons, like the Linear phase multiband compressor, linear phase EQ, Adaptive Limiter, the Brickwall limiter, Z3ta + 2, Rapture Pro. Along with a few Pro Channel modules. 

The first upgrade though was outrageous from Cakewalk Apprentice to the full version was a staggering £5.00. 🤔

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2 hours ago, Wookiee said:

You may hate subscriptions but it is the way of the software world going forward. 

Cheers Wookiee. In my view, that all depends on how many people are willing to subscribe and what the future competition does. No one has a crystal ball and capitalism has way of helping the little guy too. 

Clearly, the majority of people who dont make a living with their daw HATE subscriptions.

So, if more daw companies force subscription only, that just may incentivize a company to make a good, reasonably pro daw with a perpetual license. If so, they will definitely have my business and Im certain MANY others too. Surely, Bandlab already knows this which is why they dont like people talking about other daws on here. With a free market system, no company or business model is really secure. 

Btw, Im still using CbB but I would gladly BUY Sonar. That means Bandlab will lose my business with sub only. But hey I get it, if they make more money thru sub only, more power to them. 

But between that and the squirrely way theyve done the switch over(should've just been straight from the start), I feel no loyalty to Bandlab. And "Cakewalk"  is just another name for Bandlab now.

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