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Melda Free FX bundle.

The Dispossessed Orangutan

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10 minutes ago, The Dispossessed Orangutan said:

What is the full price of the Melda Free FX bundle when it is not on sale for $20?

I downloaded and installed the free version of MVibrato and learned that Melda includes a dialog that asks you to upgrade.

Is the current $20 upgrade offer normal or super special?

Thank you.

I'd have to check what I paid as it was a while ago, but I think the sale price might be 60% off.

But... you can take 20% off that price with this:

Melda Production (Code MELDA57625915 will get 20% off for new customers)

And if you sign up for their newsletter first, that gives you a $10 credit, so you can buy the upgrade for $8 instead of $20!

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Be sure you are logged into Melda when checking prices as well. A lot of bundle pricing is updated to reflect what you already own so you are getting credit and not buying something twice (Melda is the only vendor I know of that specifically prevents you from buying the same thing twice).

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On 11/29/2024 at 10:51 PM, Mr No Name said:

Checked my account and had 10 credits in there, so applied and paid £7, worth it I think. That was my black friday purchase.

Well done. Now the thing to do is to sit down with a project with some audio or sequenced notes and run through a few presets in each of the 38. I should have done this sooner than I did. Anyone who does this is guaranteed some "holy crap I didn't know it could do this" moments. And we should all get the most we can from our tools, right?

It's not a collection of simple "does what it says on the tin" FX as you might expect from something they let people use for free. As is customary with MeldaProduction, what you see on the front panel is the tip of an iceberg.

You have a "tuner" that is polyphonic and also a realtime pitch-to-MIDI converter. You have a spectrum analyzer that lets you call up analysis profiles from different genres to compare with your song's overall balance. You have an EQ that lets you apply each band's settings to harmonics of the center frequency (great for taming cymbal pings). You have a compressor that lets you create custom compression or expansion curves using spline curves.

They all share some features like the ability to analyze the level of incoming audio and adjust their output level to match it so that your ears are less likely to get fooled.

I don't usually talk about it much, but with the bundle upgrade, the audio processors let you combine parameters within each plug-in, so that for instance you can make a single control that adjusts both filter Q and frequency at the same time. And then automate it. That's what the "multiparameter" system is.

Some of them will now also let you modulate any parameter(s) you want. If the upgraded plug-in has that feature, you can choose any parameter (or multiparameter) and control it with an LFO, triggered ADSR, MIDI CC, or follower, where the parameter will change in response to input level. There's built-in oversampling, with separate settings for playback and render. Very importantly for those who think the stock UI's are frumpy, you can change theme (text, control style) and color. I switch to Argon theme and have my own custom color set that I exported and apply to all of the plug-ins. The Online Preset Exchange will let you download presets that other users have created. Unfortunately, a lot of rubbish presets got uploaded years ago when they were trying to encourage use of the feature, but (especially with MAnalyzer, MLoudnessAnalyzer, MRhythmizer and the synths) there are some gems. I think the Preset Exchange is an overlooked feature with a lot of unused potential.

Upgraded or not, all of them are able to process in LR mode, MS mode, and left or right or mid or side only (and separately). So anything that affects stereo imaging can be switched so that whatever differences were being induced between left and right would now be differences between mid and side. This can make for some....interesting psychoacoustic effects and is one of my favorite tricks.

Late in the v. 16 release cycle, they quietly introduced "machine learning" which means that you can choose a parameter (or multiple parameters, or combined parameters) and have the plug-in analyze the file and somehow adjust the parameter(s) based on what's in the file. I don't understand how this works at all, but welcome to the land of MeldaProduction, where there are always features that you ignore because you don't understand what they do or how to use them. There are only so many hours in a day, days in a week, years in a life, etc. and at least for now I will opt out of figuring out how my flanger settings might benefit from "machine learning." But it's there if I ever get bored with everything else and want to mess with it.🙄

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