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Looks like we are loosing another long time user.


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He is a professional and without audiences for his videos it's not worth his time.  

Cakewalk is dead. Only a few hangers on now. Just like those who clung to Splat. 


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12 hours ago, Mr No Name said:

it seems his issue is Cakewalk/Sonar not being available for mac ?

I think his issue is uncertainty what you get... With McDonalds or Apple, you know what you get and how that will taste and smell. Marketing line of Cakewalk with new Sonar is comparable with x86 devices, you don't really know what it will be. And at some point people are tired to play roulette.

And when consequences of using a "black box"  are not important (3 architectures changes and general technology incompatibility within 20 years, 1 year guarantee and in case something is broken after that, the device is just a door stopper), it is convenient to use.

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17 hours ago, Sock Monkey said:

Go to 15 min in this video. Sad really what has happened. 


Hi everyone, I'm a producer and composer and I've been making Soul, Nu soul and house productions for 40 years. I've been using Sonar for 30 years since it was called Twelwe Tone.
For me it was the best DAW on the Pro market and even today my latest release was made with CBB, but referring to the Cakewalk part of the video, it said exactly the things I wrote in the posts as soon as Sonar came out.... direction taken by the company is not Pro, the decision not to have a full license is not Pro, the marketing steps are inconceivable and in fact he chose the DAW (excellent) which when it came out literally copied the look and logic by Sonar,but with a aggressive and clear marketing impact, so much so that today it provides atmos rendering for less than 200 euros.
I'm Sonar's first fan but if company policy doesn't change I'll take the same step, I'm not someone who composes with the phone or with bandlab samples...
I hope well

Edited by GIM Productions
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8 hours ago, azslow3 said:

I think his issue is uncertainty what you get... With McDonalds or Apple, you know what you get and how that will taste and smell. Marketing line of Cakewalk with new Sonar is comparable with x86 devices, you don't really know what it will be. And at some point people are tired to play roulette.

And when consequences of using a "black box"  are not important (3 architectures changes and general technology incompatibility within 20 years, 1 year guarantee and in case something is broken after that, the device is just a door stopper), it is convenient to use.

I would wager Studio One have knobbled him and got him to slag off Cakewalk to nick some users.

the whinging is too over the top to be genuine. imo.

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It's the developers I feel sorry for, spend their time developing and building the DAWS, and then have to listen to people constantly whinging about it and have no power over the decisions of the sales. They do well not to become embroiled in the negativity it causes.

for the record Studio One do have the complete kind of approach to the sales, you can get every different type of purchase, including a subscription if that's what you prefer, professional studio people do prefer them for tax reasons. anyway.

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40 minutes ago, Mr No Name said:

I would wager Studio One have knobbled him and got him to slag off Cakewalk to nick some users.

the whinging is too over the top to be genuine. imo.

Studio One has attracted many users before Bandlab took the lead. People had to choose something and some was looking for something "similar". If hardware/VST2 MIDI features are not important, it is similar. With many nice goodies.  And they actively add more: the latest version can work with loops without copy/pasting N times (at least that is declared in docs) 😏

Please don't think all people are payed for all exposed content. F.e. I have written a converter from Cakewalk to Studio One, but I was not payed for that. And I don'
t like Studio One. 🤪

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I have been a cakewalk user for over 25 years... infact longer I think.
I still have all the original cds and downloads.

Years ago there wasnt the instant fixes we have today... we had to wait for a new version to come out and download the cd image.
Now we have very quick rebuilds and patches.

How much did we pay for each version of Cakewalk before??

I have invested a lot of money over these years and still have (and its working) Sonar V-Studio 700 system.
Some people on this forum I have known for decades.  🙂

I have Studio One 7.. Dont use it (but I do have the presonus 64 channel mixer.
Cubase 14..   have that too... dont use it.

ProTools... tried dont like it.
Luna... use it a little but not mcuh as I have the Apollo X8p  (preamps just died)  😞
Sequoia Pro  ... use it a little for mastering... but again do more in Cakewalk.

Its what you know and what you are used too.
I know Cakewalk, know the developers and will stick with them.
Yes... people can throw their rattles out the pram and vote with their feet.

There are new uses joing all the time and us old fogies are out numbered..   (we usually dont like change)  🙂
What I really like about Sonar is I can still use my out dated V-Studio console and still load up old projects files from decades ago  🙂

Im a happy bunny.

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Good points @garybrun I've also used CW in many versions for donkey's years. I'm not especially happy with the sub model, but it is what is and probably represents the future of software ownership - however I have not subscribed yet.

Like you, I have S1 Pro (v5) but I have definitely not mastered it in the way I know CW products.

I understand Mike's position - it's a commercial decision based on a need for certainty, and I get it that PC platforms and Sonar are not providing him with that.

At some point next year I'll replace my ancient Windows laptop (it will definitely not be a Mac) and at that point I'll either get a Sonar subscription or I'll switch horses to an upgraded S1 Pro.

But until then, I'll carry on with CWbBL for as long as it works.


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Mike had to step carefully on the Cakewalk topic. He even mentions how if it was not for the Cakewalkers  his channel would not even exist. Thousands of new users possibly came to Bandlab Cakewalk due to his videos. His timing was perfect and he set to work providing good quality content and it paid off for his hard work. He got into You Tube at the perfect time and like many it turned into a full time job that can pay well. 

The side to that as you are well aware is because your viewers  are a target market, you also get sponsors of music related gear ( and Software??)   I doubt if there's a backdoor deal with Presonus but if there is so what. Business is business and this is the world we live in. Many Studio oriented You Tubers are gifted tons of free  hardware.  We all need to be aware that some are going to be corrupted in the evaluation of  gear or software. 

You Tube as a business is tricky and  you need to watch your stats daily to observe which material is being viewed to decide what to produce next.  You Tube has changed the algorithms and it's views and likes, not subscribers, that keep the cash coming in. Mike would have seen the total decline in views and likes of all the Cakewalk content. 

Studio one is tricky because  first,  it's not free. So most of Mikes audience can't afford it,  and second  Pre Sonus already have a zillion good videos. Many are officially produced. How do you start a new channel in a situation like that. Cakewalk was easy pickings  because Bandlab put zero funding into education. 

I hope Mike can carry on making a living which I'm sure he will.  If you don't see the reason for the purchase of a Mac then your not seeing the big picture. Studio one as example has been cross platform for a long time now I think. 

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4 hours ago, Sock Monkey said:

I hope Mike can carry on making a living which I'm sure he will.  If you don't see the reason for the purchase of a Mac then your not seeing the big picture. Studio one as example has been cross platform for a long time now I think. 

Yup.. Mike is good and his presentation/video skills have improved over the years.
In fact I think I wrote to him a long time ago and complimented him on those.
I see the reason for buying a Mac... also own one myself.  🙂

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