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I found a Glitchedtones sale


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4 hours ago, audioschmaudio said:

True, I think you came first with "I found a Glitchmachines sale". 😄

Yes, I was inspired by that, which likely got inspiration from @laglag's "I found a glitch sale" 🤣🤣🤣

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1 hour ago, Luc said:

Yes, I was inspired by that, which likely got inspiration from @laglag's "I found a glitch sale" 🤣🤣🤣

And it's so funny because the original post's title contained zero information what the deal was about. In the end it wasn't even a glitch, just a coupon code.

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6 hours ago, audioschmaudio said:

And it's so funny because the original post's title contained zero information what the deal was about.

Sure, that was part of the joke/teasing. But the original post title turned out to be useful, because it made me search for a sale on Glitchmachines trying to be a smartalec. And then I found out that my favorite Glitchmachines instrument, Tactic, was now at version 2 and I bought it.

I'll get Quadrant 2 as well. From the look of things, Glitchmachines found a reverb algorithm they liked and added it to some of their plug-ins. Reverb isn't usually a part of glitch processing, you're trying to make it sound artificial, not natural, but putting the glitching after the reverb....we'll see.

Plugin Boutique, Glitchmachines, Glitchedtones, and anyone who got good software from all of the sales posted can thank @laglag. A coupon deal turned into a coupon deal, two seasonal sales and a version update alert.

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