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Is this Ample Sound Guitar out of tune?

Roy Slough

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I am NOT a guitarist, but I use some ample sound guitars to augment sections in songs.
Mostly I do not have any problems but this guitar sounds out of tune to me. (See attached Video, Apologies for the quality it was the only way I could get it small enough to load ).
I use strum mode to play chords or use the pattens but this sounds out of tune to me. How can that be and what do I do to rectify it?
Other Ample guitars do not seem to have this problem.....

Any advice welcomed.


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Hi, I can’t get the video to play and it says zero so very small ha, but from my experience looking at vst instruments in melodyne, it was surprising that from a perfect midi note, if it sounds off and I look at it in melodyne, it will be off. I’m currently fixing a vst bass track. I have had to fix strings, guitars, synths. So I have experienced and checked into it and the way I fix it is melodyne. I recently watched a video about vst guitars and it says sometimes it sounds better with fewer notes in the chord. 

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in addition to treesha's recommendation on using Melodyne to tweak things, you can also adjust tuning via the Ample guitar app itself:


and depending on if you're using the full version or the lite version, will give you more or less samples to tweak. then save your adjustments as a preset in case you want to use the default tunings.

Edited by Glenn Stanton
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Definitely out of tune - on the first C major chord, for example, the root note is sharp. Also, there's quite an unpleasant tone. I've used Amplesound in the past and never heard anything like this.

If I picked up a guitar and it sounded like this I'd re-tune, and probably replace the strings. Could the samples be corrupted in any way? The overtones sound muddy and there's a 'beat' in the chords like you'd get on an out of tune or wrongly intonated instrument.  The voicings are fine from what the chord box is showing. Something odd going on sound-wise.

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i'd check - make sure you're up-to-date because perhaps Ample found an issue and updated the app + samples; if up-to-date, then i'd reinstall to be sure. also, is this purely in solo mode or with other instruments? i found sometimes i tweak arrangements because some instruments over overlaps which cause the beating or wierd telephone ringing type noises...

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3 hours ago, Glenn Stanton said:

make sure you're up-to-date because perhaps Ample found an issue and updated the app + samples; if up-to-date

I cannot remember if you can overwrite the default tunings by accident, but this would be a way to reset everything. That particular instrument many have a install issue going on as well.

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Thanks Guys, I have tried looking at several things, I can adjust the machine heads to change the tuning but only by whole notes and I don't think this is the issue.

In this Ample Guitar (Semi-Hollow) I found by using a different preset from "default" The chord(s) were back in tune. Not sure why the default is out of tune or how to fix it, It could be as suggested earlier corruption in the sample library, but I feel this could be a large rabbit hole to disappear down. Having found a setting which is OK I can move on and use the guitar as needed.

I don't have a working version of Melodyne ATM I am waiting for the black friday deals to see what is available.

Once again all you advice has been most helpful

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