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I would welcome the darkness!


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To make the best song you can. You have to get a good nights sleep, don't you?
So you go to bed and put out the light.
Remember darkness?
My router have 6 yellow and two blue leds that shines.
My switch have 4 orange and 4 green leds that shines.
28 different small leds all over the room indicating standby, that shines.
I felt it necessary to put black gaffa-tape over 3 of my monitors standby leds. It's the newest ones with the brightest leds and they are blinking! One of them had a setting to put out the led...but only when it was active...not in standby mode at night! ?
I don't have a bedroom i sleep in my livingroom.
Am i oversensitive? ?

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No, I would not be able to stand that. My bedroom is free of all electrical equipment and everything all over the house is turned off at the power point when I go to bed. That might be because electricity is so expensive here but also, I just don't like going to bed knowing there are things on. I am a bit OCD there, I will check and double check and sometimes triple check all power points are off before going to bed or going out.

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Some sideways off the wall advice for you my friend. You done got it right that even the green and blue LED’s can cause you sleeplessness. As much as possible, shut the crap down before sleeping. Exposure to a computer screen even an hour before sleeping will fork things up badly. If you got to keep the electronics on at night, then wear an opaque eye cover when going to sleep. Analyze and correct light leaks coming thru windows as well. All other kinds of advices too long for here are available to you. Google “sleep hygiene” and there are some good thoughts.

Elegant, mysterious connection with light in the natural environment (which we don’t got no more) gives us cues about when to wake and when to sleep. Complex pathway in the brain regulates the production or not production of natural sleep hormones cranked out by the pineal gland at the bottom of the brain.

Higher energy light frequencies toward the blue spectrum circle around in the brain on an insane beautiful race course to inhibit production of the body’s natural hormonal sleep aid. Brain says, time to wake up and enjoy the new day. Thus when we ravage ourselves to the last minute before time to sleep, concentrating 5 inches from the computer screen, wonder why we cannot attain rest.

There are other factors imposed on modern man, tech savvy life in the fast lane but we pay price.

Other things I can advise if you want or need. Kicking the circadian sleep cycle back to the 24 hour interval is important if you are living in a more northern gloomy morning climate. Older guy, say 50 years on, another set of problems but can be fixed hopefully.

Lemme know. Hey, this is the Coffee House. Anything goes last time I checked.

Really wishing you sweet dreams.


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This has actually been a battle for me too.  Currently, I have WAY too many devices with either some kind of communication (WiFi, Cellular or Bluetooth) along with bright LED's.  I now use lights that automatically dim and change color to be more on the "warmer" side towards evening and I have quite a few lights covered with black electrical tape.  I also keep my blinds completely closed at night (my lights start to come on before I wake up too) and the only light left (my alarm clock) is set on the dimmest level.  My main computer in also in my bedroom so I always turn off the monitor before sleep time.  It's helped a lot!

Then the stupid time change comes around and now I'm back to retraining my body when to fall asleep and get up again!  *Sigh...* ?

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Lets count on shutting them down.

28 leds to power off. They are not in the same place so i estimate it to be 11 places to go to, to turn them off.

Turn off 28 in the evening, turn on 28 in the morning. That's 56 actions in a day. 392 in a week. Approx 1680 in a month. 20440 in a year.

11 places in the evening, 11 in the morning. That's 22 places in a day. 154 in a week. Approx 660 in a month. 8030 in a year.

Moving around is good for you so i let go of that.

How about those battery eliminators plugged in and drawing 0.5 watt all the time? Probably have to unplugg them too. Then it's 19 more.

Turn off/unplug 47 in the evening, turn on/plug in 47 in the morning. That's 94 actions in a day. 658 in a week. Approx 2820 in a month. 34310 in a year.

I'm not going to do and then undo the same thing 34 thousend times. Not for a year not for any timeperiod. ;)

Good luck with that those of you that recommend it.

Well...you surely would not recommend something you don't do yourself......

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Research has shown it's healthier to sleep in the dark.

I put my router in another room. My bedroom has a digital alarm with red LEDs (red is better). Those are the only things that stay on when I'm not using them.

Everything else plugs into a AC power strip  that I can shut off by rocking the power switch. Besides for making it dark, all those instant-on devices use electricity when you aren't using them. I know it isn't much, but if a few thousand people turn them off when not in use, it amounts to a lot.

No, I don't think you are being over-sensitive.

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