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Mr No Name

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On 10/12/2024 at 10:32 PM, Mr No Name said:

What do the people on here do to inspire their creativity and get to making some music.

Don’t Wait for Inspiration. Instead, take action, and inspiration will often follow.

Showing up and opening your DAW every day, regardless of whether you feel inspired will help. Embrace the process  - Consistency is key to nurturing creativity.

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I think possibly what my problem is, I used to use some small amount of hardware in a set up and used to enjoy jamming on that, that was dismantled about a year ago, and finding it difficult to find motivation "in the box"

A soft synth is as good as a hardware synth (well maybe not) but it should be good enough, 

I may create a new "software studio space" that might inspire a bit, rather than being sat at a sofa and a coffee table, 

I am thinking a dedicated "studio space" has to be an integral part of the creative process ?


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In my youth, drinking, smoking or otherwise ingesting things often gave me impetus to play. Not necessarily well, 😁 but it was the playing that spurred me to compose. *
A cool riff, a random chord progression, a driving beat, could make me want to write a song.
Nowadays, I hardly play at all. When the impulse strikes, I grab a guitar and strum for a while, but I don't really get into it like I once did.
My Projects folder is full of half-finished songs, bare sketches of songs, long, slow, ambient dreck and loud screaming guitars signifying nothing.
I plan on finishing 8% of them before I turn 70.

* Women. Don't forget the women.

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3 hours ago, Mr No Name said:

part of the creative process

Cheers Mr No Name. Ive taught guitar & music for about 35 yrs now. I find that creativity & inspiration are a direct result of motivation. If u don't mind sharing, Im curious what motivates u to create music.

Do u create solely for ur own enjoyment or do u have music career aspirations? Is ur bigger passion ur own music or do u just love the recording process? Also do u write lyrics and sing as well? And what type of music do u create?

It really helps to know what someone is motivated by and striving for in order to give good advice. If a student tells me they wanna write songs like Kurt Cobain, I'm def not gonna teach them Yngwie Malmsteen solos 😄



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9 hours ago, Mr No Name said:

I am thinking a dedicated "studio space" has to be an integral part of the creative process ?

Doesn't have to be; it all depends on your own needs and desires.


These days I do almost all my stuff sitting or laying in bed, most often just drawing things into the tracks rather than playing them in, because I don't have the energy or time anymore to use the big ASR88 keyboard at the "workstation", or the piano on the other wall, or even the guitars hanging over the piano.  Sometimes the dog(s) come over and "help". 

Sometimes I'll grab my little Rockband Keytar (cheap from Goodwill some years back) to play stuff in, or if I need a two-handed input the even older MK-4902 (also cheap from goodwill even more years back), but it's a bit heavy and awkward compared to the keytar and has a worse feel and less consistent response.  But both lean on the shelf nearby within reach...   For the most part I listen to it all with a Vizio soundbar (cheap from Goodwill a few years back...you might notice a pattern) glued to the top edge of my big "TV" monitor (can't see the regular size computer monitors well enough anymore) that's on a swingarm so I can move it where I need it depending on how I'm positioned.


I used this process for the current WIP here: https://amberwolf.bandcamp.com/track/the-skaergaard-intrusion where the only part played in so far was the "guitar"ish piece (a synth played in using that MK-4902), while everything else was drawn in or modified from copies of what was played in on that track, or from percussion clips I'd already made  using various methods in previous projects, and the "bassline" from a modified arp pattern from Z3TA2+ dragged into a midi track and edited significantly to make what you hear.  Took just a few hours to get it basically in there, and it's just been details since then. (most of my projects take a lot longer than that, but some "just work"). 


I used to use the workstation (which has a bunch of stuff in a rack, the multiport audio and midi interfaces, the ASR88, TG33, etc) all the time, but have developed better ways of working entirely within the computer.   You can hear the difference in how I work now vs then, if you listen to stuff like my recent ones from http://amberwolf.bancdamp.com posted up in the Songs subforum vs the older stuff like what's in The Elder Sounds I album on Bandcamp, or the older stuff I have at the bottom of the ~120 listings on my  http://soundclick.com/amberwolf page; up to about the ones dated 2017 and earlier. 



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On 10/18/2024 at 12:25 AM, T Boog said:

Cheers Mr No Name. Ive taught guitar & music for about 35 yrs now. I find that creativity & inspiration are a direct result of motivation. If u don't mind sharing, Im curious what motivates u to create music.

Do u create solely for ur own enjoyment or do u have music career aspirations? Is ur bigger passion ur own music or do u just love the recording process? Also do u write lyrics and sing as well? And what type of music do u create?

It really helps to know what someone is motivated by and striving for in order to give good advice. If a student tells me they wanna write songs like Kurt Cobain, I'm def not gonna teach them Yngwie Malmsteen solos 😄



What motivates me to create music ?  I suppose it's the journey from silence to a finished piece of music, creating something which is original and interesting, maybe getting involved because of being a fan of listening to music in all its forms.  I would best describe myself as a hobbyist, I have no aspirations for a music career or to be famous, I see music making totally in an artistic sense, and money has no influence on it. I have never written a song, but was thinking recently it would be interesting to learn about the art of song writing, I create "electronic" music, I don't play any instruments apart from a bass which I use to strum a few very basic basslines. I have no plans to become a bass player,

It basically about about the creative process and ending up with something which is "music"

It's also a personal challenge to create something.

At the minute I'm struggling for motivation,


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1 hour ago, Mr No Name said:

At the minute I'm struggling for motivation,

When this happens, I just record a cover song... not only does it help to get back into the swing of things, it also gets your muscle memory re-engaged without having the pressure of being creative.  There's nothing more frustrating than not being able to "drive" your DAW without having to to think about it.

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4 hours ago, Mr No Name said:

I see music making totally in an artistic sense

That's awesome. There's no better  reason than that. Well, although Electronic music isn't in my wheelhouse(Im a Rock, Pop, Country guy), at the heart of it, music is music.

And Id def suggest learning about songwriting but Im not sure 'verse, chorus, verse, chorus, bridge' applies to electronic music.

My advice would be to start by inspecting the basic structure of an electronic song u love and mimic that basic structure. If it has a cool synth hook, try to make ur own lil synth hook. Rem, simple hooks are usually the best and most memorable anyway.

I can pretty much promise u that ur first few songs won't be great. But it's that way for everybody(with few exceptions). Just try and knockout ur first song. Dont wait for inspiration and don't be a perfectionist. Just string 2 or 3 ideas together until it resembles a song. Use that side of urself that loves a personal challenge and give urself a one week deadline.

Then write ur second song by analyzing another song u love and following it's basic structure. Ur originality will eventually come thru.

Lastly, if ur not shy about it, upload ur first couple songs here and explain that ur new to songwriting and just looking for feedback. The people here are very supportive and give good advice. I myself would love to hear what u come up with. As a long time teacher I can already guarantee u that I've heard worse 😄. Good luck & have fun!



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Thanks for the ideas folks,  I have decided with not much thought, to do a dance music remix of Jonny Cash- A boy named Sue.

why I have no Idea, was the first thing that came to my mind,

I'll make it 2 x speed as original (with same speed lyrics obviously)

I will have it completed in a week (next sunday)

thanks for the inspiration.

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The Jonny Cash - Boy named Sue Acapella vocals and a bassline for tempo/metronome, for anyone else who wants to join in for a bit of fun, the traditional guitar folks might try a techno or hip hop mix ?  I've set a deadline of next Sunday for my own one, Could be interesting ???





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11 hours ago, msmcleod said:

When this happens, I just record a cover song...

Same here, although I usually put a twist on it to at least retain some sense of being creative. It's usually writing the lyric that kills me, so it's a good way for me to not have to concern myself with that part of the process.

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6 hours ago, Mr No Name said:

Awesome. Glad u finished it. I'd love to hear it but I don't know how to use this link. Forgive my ignorance. Do I need Reaper or another app to access this file?

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26 minutes ago, T Boog said:


Awesome. Glad u finished it. I'd love to hear it but I don't know how to use this link. Forgive my ignorance. Do I need Reaper or another app to access this file?


That's just a file on his local harddisk; no one but him can access it. 

To give us the ability to access it, he'd have to upload it somewhere.  Soundclick, Bandcamp, Soundcloud, Youtube, etc. 

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