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Flogging a dead horse?

Keith Wilby

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That's not the title, it's what I think I might be doing with this one. It's "All Work No Play" and it's a kinda comment on corporate working and some of the BS that goes with it, something I used to do before I retired. Corporate work that is, not BS. Well perhaps a bit of both 🤭

Any comments appreciated, even if it's "give up, it's rubbish" 😃



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Oh boy don't give up on this one Keith, it's a keeper. I've swallowed enough of that corporate BS to last me a lifetime of lifetimes (one reason why I went contracting towards the end of my career, before finally jacking it all in six months ago to try and retain what little sanity I have left).

Great guitar work, drums sound good to me. A little spit and polish perhaps but not much else. Did I detect a smidge of Hammond - some more of that might be nice if so.

Enjoyed it.


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To my ears this sounds like a good start to an idea that seems to work with good  meter. Your vocal is too low in the mix for this attempt and TBH you need to practice your breathing technique to reach those higher notes ... you have a great voice and that is an instrument in itself. 

I would work on this a little more as I feel it has great potential ... I have writers block bad time at the moment and if I was writing this I wouldn't think it was rubbish ..Good luck with it 

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Keith , I think you are being a little too hard on yourself about this one. You've for sure been raising your own bar lately. I like your thick lower vocals on this and for sure your guitar work.  I'm sure you'll make some minor changes and be happy with it soon.   I Like it ..   mark

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