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The Show

Kevin Walsh

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Here's another one from the reject pile. I wrote this and did the balance of the recording in 2019 but for some reason I so loathed this song that I put it from my mind and promptly forgot about.  I ran across it this week and thought, gee, that doesn't suck too terribly bad. I know it's a bit rough around the edges but I don't think it deserves the derision I mentally heaped upon it. Anyway, here it is, The Show.

the show
kevin walsh 10/23/2019

they always come at night
just before the closing
invoking certain rights
with the guns that they are holding
same old show 
same old show

just waiting for that minute
when you have let your guard down
and you find that they have left
a candle for your take down

same old show
yeah they know

and they always seem to know
which way to go
and they always know just 
how to make it so

woah woah

humiliation burns you
while they carry out their shakedown
and you're choking on the bits
of the situation breakdown
well you know
yeah you know

they're sifting through the bones
while you hide among the ashes
and they hum their little songs
and the flames race up the sashes
so it goes
yeah so it goes

and they always seem to know
which way to go
and they always know just 
how to make it so

oh yeah i know there's something
oh yeah there's trouble on the way

yeah i'll be there in the morning
oh yeah might be here to stay

you handle all the setbacks
and you rise above the anger
but they'll always be behind you 
and you'll always feel the danger
so it goes
yeah so it goes

you know there's something to it
cause you read it in the paper
try not to think about it
save it all for later
so you know
so you know

and they always seem to know
which way to go
and they always know just 
how to make it so



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