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Milton Sica

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31 minutes ago, Milton Sica said:

Could you explain how the "ROBUST SUPPORT THAT SONAR GIVES TO WASAPI" works?

I believe this would be important to dispel many of the doubts we have about the use of this or that driver.

Thank you!

Wasapi isnt a driver. Its the windows API to access all audio hardware drivers. Its the same API that windows itself uses.
As long as a device exposes wdm drivers they should be available via WASAPI.
WASAPI shared mode in particular goes through the windows audio engine, which is how it is able to handle multiclient use of a single audio devices.
As a result it has a 10 ms latency. WASAPI exclusive doesn't have that limitation.

Its not that WASAPI is perfect, but its the Microsoft recommended API for consumer audio devices. ASIO4All and some other similar products try and duplicate some of that functionality but introduce other problems because they wrap all other audio devices on the system and when Sonar starts up sample rates can get messed up with other devices among other problems.

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15 minutes ago, Milton Sica said:

I didn't understand the "language expression accent" if you were being ironic, sarcastic or joking.
What I meant is that it would be great if I could have access to this documentation.

I believe what Glenn meant was, if you search for it on this site you might well end up having access to it. 🙃

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1 hour ago, Milton Sica said:

I didn't understand the "language expression accent" if you were being ironic, sarcastic or joking.
What I meant is that it would be great if I could have access to this documentation.

If you can use "Visual Studio Community 2022" and understand C++  you can build WASAPI rendering/capturing engine samples yourself:



Most of the source code is self-explaining if you are familiar with programming. You can run your own tests to get latency and other data.

Edited by Sunshine Dreaming
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On 9/27/2024 at 7:05 PM, Milton Sica said:

I didn't understand the "language expression accent" if you were being ironic, sarcastic or joking.
What I meant is that it would be great if I could have access to this documentation.

@gustabo  what makes you laugh so much? Can you explain something technically or contribute something positive?

Edited by Milton Sica
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  • 5 months later...
On 9/26/2024 at 12:25 PM, Noel Borthwick said:


Hi All, John here from POW-R (bit reduction app used in Sonar, Logic, ProTools, etc.).  (Hi Noel!)

We're about ready to bring a new triple-patented DAC architecture to market (28-bit performance, broadband, unweighted). We're using the XMOS 208 USB receiver IC.  


A couple of our pro beta testers have asked for a Win 10/11 ASIO driver. Most DAWs don't seem to support >/=192kHz WASAPI Exclusive mode, while common streaming apps like Qobuz, Tidal, Foobar and JRiver, do support it.  I'm not sure why DAWs don't support high sample rate Win WE mode. Latency? Channel count?

We could spend a chunk of money on Thesycon and be done with it, or develop our own ASIO driver using open source. My sense is that very few customers will need this ASIO driver, so writing a big check doesn't make much sense.

If you were in our position, how would you address this? Is ASIO4ALL our likely best choice, minimal customization? Possibly FlexASIO? or even PortAudio?

Thanks in advance for your invaluable insight.


On 9/29/2024 at 11:25 AM, Milton Sica said:


On 9/27/2024 at 4:02 PM, Sunshine Dreaming said:




Edited by Signal Path
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29 minutes ago, Noel Borthwick said:

There will soon be no need for wrapper ASIO drivers or custom drivers that have no special functionality, since Microsoft is adding an inbox ASIO driver. From what I know, as long as you have a class compliant USB 2 audio device it will work with this new Windows ASIO driver.


are you guys collaborating in any way, as an interested partner?

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On 3/5/2025 at 11:29 AM, Noel Borthwick said:

There will soon be no need for wrapper ASIO drivers or custom drivers that have no special functionality, since Microsoft is adding an inbox ASIO driver. From what I know, as long as you have a class compliant USB 2 audio device it will work with this new Windows ASIO driver.


Noel, that's really great. Thanks for the headzup. We may just wait it out and send this to customers asking for ASIO. "It's coming!"

Or, if it's not too complicated, just give them an ASIO4ALL build that does the basic work.

Thanks, all

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On 3/5/2025 at 4:29 PM, Noel Borthwick said:

There will soon be no need for wrapper ASIO drivers or custom drivers that have no special functionality, since Microsoft is adding an inbox ASIO driver. From what I know, as long as you have a class compliant USB 2 audio device it will work with this new Windows ASIO driver.


Excellent news! In your opinion, do you think this "driver" would bring a new lease of life to discontinued interfaces in manufacturing and driver updates by the manufacturer. In my case a Tascam US 600?

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@Milton Sica

Just a heads up about the new Windows driver ARM. In  another thread on this topic Noel informed me that you need a brand new computer that supports this. 
To me that will place it out of reach for a lot of people for a long time yet. 
I just built a new computer and it has to last me 10 years. Music computers are very expensive even if you build them yourself. 

Good to see that you’re still around. 

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