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40% off Escape Motions products (not sure of end date)


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Escape Motions is having a 40% off "Back-To-School" sale across the entire site for those that are interested (including upgrade pricing I "assume"). All of the products with the exception of Rebelle 7 have been static for years, but Rebelle 7 (Pro) added some significant advancements when it was released last December.

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1 hour ago, treesha said:

The metallic paints in 7 are nice! 

I have been meaning to submit a feature request, so just tried to post on the their forum, but the post button cleared the page in Firefox with no feedback (I did think ahead enough to copy that first). Ironically, it all fits into that tiny window in the "Feedback" within the app, so at least I got it off to them. Not sure if you re-tint things, but this was the crux of the request (for a "Clone Tinting Mode"):


I have been using the water color brush for subtle (sometimes more extreme) clone tinting to often Paint/Mix/Blend. Most often this is done with very little opacity and water in the brush. However, to achieve this requires a bit of manual muscle memory (and the second one has bitten me more than once):

  1. Diffusion must be paused when doing this so that there is the precision required.
  2. When finished, the layer must be specifically dried (Shift-D) so that diffusion doesn't take over. Where this has bitten me is I am zoomed in while working, so if I move to another area and shift the brush (which re-starts diffusion), I do not realize this has happened until too late.

My personal experience has been the watercolor brush is ideal for "clone tinting," so the feature request I personally would be to have:

  1. A specific "Clone Tinting" option (for me this could be locked to the watercolor brush).
  2. When in "Clone Tinting" mode, diffusion would be paused by default. After that initial mode selection, diffusion on/off would be at the discretion of the user, but entering that mode would always pause diffusion initially.
  3. When either exiting or changing brushes the layer would be dried. For me, this is more of the safety net, whereby changing brushes would automatically 1) dry the layer and 2) exit "Clone Tinting Mode." A big icon similar to the "Pause Diffusion" on the main work space would also be ultra-helpful.

This feature could certainly be expanded in the future to include more brushes/options (other users may have more uses for this). For me, I have been bitten by forgetting to dry the layer, that this would be an immense help.

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