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No monitor sound on mic input

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Hi guys. A few months ago I had to replace my interface. The project I was working on at the time worked and still works perfectly with the new interface. However, I just tried to go back to an older project to rerecord my vocals but I have no vocal sound when monitoring. The track does show an input signal and it records and plays back fine. I just hear nothing when monitoring. The input echo is def switched on and all the routing appears to be correct.

Fwiw, I opened my more recent project again and the mic monitoring works perfect on that project. Any ideas on what might be the problem?


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Do your audio device preferences for that project show the old device? Even if not, you may have to manually re-assign driver modes (something other than ASIO and then back to ASIO) to force the project to "forget" the old device ever existed. Projects try to maintain device info internally, so it might be trying to communicate even without the old device connected.

Edited by mettelus
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On 8/29/2024 at 3:45 PM, mettelus said:

you may have to manually re-assign driver modes

Thanks mettelus. That did the trick. Btw, sory I didn't respond sooner, been dealing with a health issue. I appreciate the help though bud. Cheers  🍻

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