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Two Symphonic Movements

Jerry Gerber

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On 8/24/2024 at 6:10 AM, Wookiee said:

I enjoyed them both @Jerry Gerber, I did find the second one "The 4th Movement" sounded louder than the first "The 2nd Movement"

Both very enjoyable listening, mix sounds good here with plenty of separation in the voicing.

Hi Wookiee,

Well, that's to be expected as they are on different albums and each album was mastered without considering how the previous album was mastered.Β  They're not part of the same symphony..

Thanks for listening and for the kind words!


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  • 4 weeks later...

Nice to see you are still around and composing.Β  Β πŸ˜„

I wish I could orchestrate anywhere near as well as you do (I'm not sure that I can even make any claims to any form of actual orchestration, despite various attempts over the decades, regardless of the instrumenation I've used).Β 



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