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Always The Same

Douglas Kirby

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A little Jethro Tull vibe is what I'm feeling. The Vocal and Lead Guitar seem to be a bit overwhelmed by the backing track. I'd pull both up a bit, but its your tune and production. I have trouble leaving it all in the vocal both, trying to get a "good" take: that was never a problem when I was young, but often produced some "shrill" results.
If I was producing I'd encourage you to take one more run at it and just really let go; you've always got this track.
That being said, overall well done!


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Some how the kinks come to mind to me.  ?

I always find it quite hard when commenting on peoples songs because we dont know how we come across, as a know it all or maybe hurt someones feelings.
I myself would like people to  rip the pants of my stuff... cause that how we learn and improve.

As I state many times we all paint different pictures and are influenced greatly by the music we have grown up with and are used to hearing.
Modern music in the charts today is so tight and to the grid and mostly perfect pitch and I think thats why it doesn't have such a large appeal.
How many real superstars are there today...  not many I would say... here today and gone tomorrow.

Good work and quite a nostalgic track.

Edited by garybrun
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I made a few notes while listening:
All your songs have that ready for radio sound to it.
Seemed like you could raise the key maybe a tone.
I was waiting for more of a hook in the chorus to differentiate it from the verse.
Actually I wanted more melodic element in the whole song, but I'm starting to recognize that's just me.
Cool drum track.
Excellent guitars as always. I'm using your tracks (and some others) to learn about accompaniments.

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DeeringAmps - Thanks for listening to my tune.  I could give the lead vocal another take - not sure I could top it though. Thanks for your critiques.

amiller - I'm glad you liked it - thanks.

garybrun - Thanks for your comments and for giving my song a listen.

David Sprouse - Thanks for giving my song a listen - and I appreciate you mentioning the backing tracks - I try to mix it up.

JohnBee58 - I'm glad you liked the production - I have to give credit to Ozone 9 - it's a cool plug.

bjornpdx - I'm glad you liked the guitar accompaniments - I try to mix it up to keep the listener interested - cheers.

Wookiee - Thank you very much for listening.

ramscapri - Thanks for your comments and for listening.

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