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Is it just me, or do you feel like you listen to your music more than everyone else?


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When working on mixes, I listen more repeatedly. When working on performing, I rarely listen back. 

Mixing for a performer can be disappointing bc maybe they listen once or twice. It is a compliment when a performer enjoys your mix enough to return to it. 

Edited by Gswitz
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I listen to my stuff while mixing over and over. I think I know n it in and out.  Then I let it go and move on to next one.

Then when I do return to my songs I am surprised at how critical I was being when mixing it. I actually enjoy it. That's on the condition I don't listen too many times. Because if I listen too many times I start hearing the flaws, perceived or real!!

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57 minutes ago, Grem said:

I listen to my stuff while mixing over and over. I think I know n it in and out.  Then I let it go and move on to next one.

Then when I do return to my songs I am surprised at how critical I was being when mixing it. I actually enjoy it. That's on the condition I don't listen too many times. Because if I listen too many times I start hearing the flaws, perceived or real!!

Oh! That makes allot more sense to me... I listen so many times that I perceive to hear flaws or find flaws!

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7 hours ago, Grem said:

...when I do return to my songs I am surprised at how critical I was being when mixing it.

Late at night I slip into bed, put on my best headphones and pick something at random. Often, it is my own stuff, sometimes going back more than 20 years. And quite often, I am pleasantly surprised that it's better than I'd remembered. Sometimes I hear a little detail and think "ooh, I should do that more often", or "I gotta find out what library that effect came from and use it again".

Sure, occasionally my reaction will be "what the hell was I thinking?". But reviewing your past work is a great way to get better at it.

At the end of the day, the path to music-making satisfaction is tailoring it to an audience of one: yourself. If you like it, it's good.

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11 hours ago, bitflipper said:

And quite often, I am pleasantly surprised that it's better than I'd remembered. Sometimes I hear a little detail and think "ooh, I should do that more often", or "I gotta find out what library that effect came from and use it again".

I do this too (then find that the library/effect only works in a 32 bit plugin or something!).

Edited by Xoo
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I like to listen to my music to compare the mix to professional tracks once in a while but I get bored liatening to my stuff a lot.

The last 4 songs I mixed and mastered when I got Ozone 9 Advanced are excellent compared to professional tracks and I do listen to then a lot. I'm astonished at how well they turned out. And I take no credit for that, it was 99% the software.

But I normally only go through my library if someone is interested and I'm playing it for them, or it's been a long time since I listened.

I really like Soundcloud. I can listen anywhere through my cell. I recently got a Bose Soundlink Revolve + Series II speaker to listen while working and stream Soundcloud and YouTube Music through it.

Those are very revealing, just like their Wave Radio's. If anything is wrong in the mix they over-emphasizes it. And they do sound great. A shocking amount of bass. My last 4 masters fit right in with pro masters. So does my stuff from when I was 100% analog. The stuff in between analog and O9A needs a major revisit. Hah.

I found out the other day that I can get a second one of those Bose Revolve and use their app to set them up for stereo. Been dying to get a second one now.

When a song speaks to me, I obsess over it and have to record it and get it out of my system. Then I seem to lose interest in it for a very long time and come back to it eventually to see how well I mixed and mastered it. Sometimes I'll pull it back up in my DAW and make changes then it will sit a long time again. I've gone back and remixed and remastered songs that were over 15 years old. Especially as my listening equipment improved over the years and I could hear my errors better.


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3 hours ago, pwal²³ said:

how do you sleep? i guess to have to take the phones off before finally slumbering?

Always fall asleep with headphones on. 

But sleep is a temporary luxury us elder folk only get to enjoy during those too-brief intervals between pee breaks. The cans come off before my first nocturnal trip to the other can. It's weird being the same age as old people.

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45 minutes ago, Starship Krupa said:

Innit? 😄

I identify as 39 years old.

For over a year now, my joke has been that I identify as a 33-year old.  What's interesting is that some out-of-town friends I hadn't seen in a couple of years came in for a visit and wondered what I'd been doing since I looked younger!  Hadn't even noticed that I have far less grey hair and the bald spot is covered again! 😮

Now to try identifying as the millionaire with six-pack abs that I once was 20 years ago... Hmm... 😁

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1 hour ago, craigb said:

Now to try identifying as the millionaire with six-pack abs that I once was 20 years ago...

Let us know if you get that one figured out. I sure a few of us would love to take a trip!!

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16 hours ago, 57Gregy said:

I'm the only one who listens to my music. 

Same here.

I don't care. My stuff is expressly tailored to my own preferences, and anything I don't like I can change. It therefore stands to reason that at least some of it will be among my favorite things to listen to.

btw, it might help if the soundclick link  in your signature went somewhere besides 404. ^_^

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I listen to my stuff regularly. I have no illusions about its quality but I enjoy writing  stuff like this or that style. I also end up in mix down/fix hell and can’t leave them alone. But I consider my stuff demo quality and not production polished.

Nothing ever turns out the way I planned but I enjoy the results. And I kept my day job.

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