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[Solved] Song crashing (Fixed Yea!)

Max Arwood

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It looks like it is loading just fine.  All that plugins and soft synths seem to load. When it gets to preparing project, it works for a tiny bit, then it crashes. Sonar and Cakewalk. This song opened just fine in 08-19-2023. I worked on it quite a bit, 2023 without any problems. I have tried safe open a few times, but am unable to guess the conflict.

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This is another giant project. I planned on deleting some plugins and doing some more bus configuration to clean it up some, but I have to be able to open it first. I just hate to go back too far. I have many saved versions  of the song. I tried 5-6 last night. Same crash. 

I have the full dmp file too if you need it. 1gig compressed 

Thanks for any help. 

Edited by Max Arwood
Can’t type, can’t spell. Lol
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Thanks! So at least you have eliminated 1/2 the work!! I only have to look at what is not there lol! I knew it was a plug-in, but it is very difficult trying to decide which one with a project this large. I think project scope said 233 plugins. What really puzzles me is why was I able to open it 08/2023. I have 20 versions from that time frame.  I tried a few with no luck. I hope there are not a bunch songs that do not open now. Going to test a few from that time frame. 

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I managed to open it successfully, but I don't have any of the synths or Fx so everything is greyed out. No audio

But just looking at some of the tracks caused an eyebrow to raise.

You've got 14 Fx plugs on track 1, 16 on track 2 and 14 on track 3? These include reverbs and autotune?

And 40 busses?

I've never seen anything like this before. It's only my opinion but this kind of statistical density could conceivably make most pc's give up. 


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Thanks to all.  I did find a version that would open. Yes there are way toooo many plugins in this song! I was opening it up to redo much of it. (Simplifying the plug-ins) I am a plug-in experimenter. I like to see what can be done with modifying sounds. I have new flute chains that are way more simple. I had to go back 12 versions to find a file that would open. I was using project scope to look at the differences in what would open and what would not open. I assumed it would be a plug-in. I wish project scope could make a csv text file. I could sort the plugins and compare the differences. Is there a way to get the data from project scope to a csv text file? I wish Mark could add this one more feature to projectScope! I could then put the info in a database or spreadsheet to study them.  I have found songs that had glitches in them, that were fixed by deleting the offending plug-in and just put it back in. 

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On 8/1/2024 at 7:17 PM, Max Arwood said:


This is another giant project. I planned on deleting some plugins and doing some more bus configuration to clean it up some, but I have to be able to open it first. I just hate to go back too far. I have many saved versions  of the song. I tried 5-6 last night. Same crash. 

I have the full dmp file too if you need it. 1gig compressed 

Thanks for any help. 

This is a plugin crash. Its crashing from Chandler_Limited_Zener_Limiter

Sonar isn't even involved in the stack. The plugin is invoking a dll called necryptopp.dll which appears to be a cryptography dll. then crashes with an unhandled C++ exception.

The plugin is invoking something which throws an exception and the plugin doesn't catch and handle the exception properly.
I would forward your dump to the plugin vendor to fix if you want to use this plugin. Otherwise use safe mode to load the project and remove the plugin.

TACK_TEXT: 00000001`fbddcf70 00000001`a44d2155 : 00000001`fbddd0f0 00000001`fbddd0f0 00000001`fbddd6b8 00000001`30bb0cc0 : KERNELBASE!RaiseException+0x69 00000001`fbddd050 00000001`fbddd0f0 : 00000001`fbddd0f0 00000001`fbddd6b8 00000001`30bb0cc0 00000001`e06d7363 : necryptopp+0x92155 00000001`fbddd058 00000001`fbddd0f0 : 00000001`fbddd6b8 00000001`30bb0cc0 00000001`e06d7363 00000000`00000000 : 0x00000001`fbddd0f0 00000001`fbddd060 00000001`fbddd6b8 : 00000001`30bb0cc0 00000001`e06d7363 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 : 0x00000001`fbddd0f0 00000001`fbddd068 00000001`30bb0cc0 : 00000001`e06d7363 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000004 : 0x00000001`fbddd6b8 00000001`fbddd070 00000001`e06d7363 : 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000004 00000000`19930520 : 0x00000001`30bb0cc0 00000001`fbddd078 00000000`00000000 : 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000004 00000000`19930520 00000001`fbddd0f0 : Chandler_Limited_Zener_Limiter+0x33a7363 SYMBOL_NAME: necryptopp+92155 MODULE_NAME: necryptopp IMAGE_NAME: necryptopp.dll

This is the crashing stack.

[0x0]   KERNELBASE!RaiseException+0x69   0x1fbddcf70   0x1a44d2155   
[0x1]   necryptopp + 0x92155!necryptopp+0x92155   0x1fbddd050   0x1fbddd0f0   
[0x2]   0x1fbddd0f0!+   0x1fbddd058   0x1fbddd0f0   
[0x3]   0x1fbddd0f0!+   0x1fbddd060   0x1fbddd6b8   
[0x4]   0x1fbddd6b8!+   0x1fbddd068   0x130bb0cc0   
[0x5]   0x130bb0cc0!+   0x1fbddd070   0x1e06d7363   
[0x6]   Chandler_Limited_Zener_Limiter + 0x33a7363!Chandler_Limited_Zener_Limiter+0x33a7363   0x1fbddd078   0x0   

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  • Max Arwood changed the title to [Solved] Song crashing (Fixed Yea!)

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