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VST track folder? Never Mind-No big Deal.................


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Not sure why or what I did-But EZ Drummer 3 when inserted into a track using either Synthrack or dragging from browser no longer creates a track folder? All other VSTS do. 
so now I have to insert track folder and move all ez drummer tracks to it. My methods are certainly not the best or optimal but they work for me and I always use the synth rack.

What did I do now? I


Edited by Pathfinder
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  • Pathfinder changed the title to VST track folder? Never Mind-No big Deal.................
7 hours ago, Bristol_Jonesey said:


Wanted to add I know it was  very basic, should easily know question and I appreciate YOU not dismissing it because I should have known this. Of course I knew this and obviously I forgot. Thanks very much!

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Just now, Pathfinder said:

Wanted to add I know it was  very basic, should easily know question and I appreciate YOU not dismissing it because I should have known this. Of course I knew this and obviously I forgot. Thanks very much!

We all forget stuff from time to time, and I would never dismiss any genuine question out of hand. We're all here to help each other.

A shame it doesn't spill over into real life.

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