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Can you guess...


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It struck me pretty early on that our limitations as musicians (and human beings) define us, and that sometimes, your best attempt at emulating someone or tipping your hat to them will be unrecognizable to anyone else. If you're lucky enough, that singular mixture will be recognized as your own style or voice - even though it is in fact a failure. But regardless... Our perception of things are usually vastly different. 

The first time I went into a recording studio, the producer complimented me on an orthodox guitar part I'd written to embellish a G chord - "it sounds like something Steve Morse could have come up with". I'd never heard Steve Morse. Actually, I don't think I have yet. It may not have been Steve Morse - but it was some dude I didn't know anyway. Point is, I thought I was stealing from Jimmy Page and the way he messes around within chords. 

And I've been through that kind of scenario a number of times...

While going through the archives tonight I found this. It was recorded in 2015 while I was working on a slow blues-ish sort of thing, and trying to figure out  parts. I played it for a few friends and they kept naming different guys - every one but... 

The sounds is awful, as this was captured by the MacBook mic - this was just before I figured out how to use the little Mackie board to make my videos. But I am curious to know who you guys hear - if anything.

I apologize in advance for my rudimentary skills and playing - I suffer from a weird condition which affects fine motor skills, so anything that requires stretching my fingers requires tremendous efforts to control tremors - especially with my wrist at an angle... Mother smoked during pregnancy, so, there's that. 




Edited by Rain
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  • Rain changed the title to Can you guess...
On 7/8/2024 at 3:02 AM, Rain said:

...I thought I was stealing from Jimmy Page and the way he messes around within chords. 

My philosophy is don't worry about it being original (not possible) or stolen (everybody's been stealing from J.S. Bach since the 17th century ). Worst-case scenario is you write a hit and Smokey Robinson's grandkids come after you.

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