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4 minutes ago, martinh said:


They gave it to us for free for 6 years prior.  My hope is that they will add  such enhanced features to Sonar that we will want to subscribe.  I'm hoping that but it doesn't mean it will come to pass.

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50 minutes ago, Johnbee58 said:

I'm curious.  You people don't seem to have much faith in that they tell us Cakewalk by Bandlab will remain FREE indefinitely. So why such discontent?  If you don't want to pay the sub DON'T! You won't be any worse off than you have been for the past 7 years.  Is there something you're worried about in this deal? Just curious.

?John B

PS I don't know about anybody else but I just got an update this morning for CbB.  That tells me the future for it is pretty secure for now at least.


The old Sonar didn't phone home and ask you to keep logging in.  

I'm thankful Cakewalk is still expected to not cost extra on top of what was invested in it over a number of years to get it to a maturity state.  

That said - there are plenty of reasons why we see discontent related to the current "outcome" of the direction they have decided to go based on past history.  

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I too think it would be a mistake to keep Sonar and Next subscription-only. I'm hoping that they're just testing the waters and/or deciding how to implement a perpetual license. Count me as disappointed.

I hope we don't have to wait for a Waves-style backlash. So many people swore off Waves forever during that debacle.

Also, the only other DAW on the market (to the extent that it's even on the market) that's subscription-only is Audition. Does anyone who didn't get it as part of their Adobe subscription use it? Does anyone subscribe primarily to get Audition (yippee, not only do I get my favorite DAW, but I get these cool photo and video editors!)?

I wonder how well they're doing with the subscriptions.

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1 hour ago, Starship Krupa said:

So many people swore off Waves forever during that debacle.

This is something I don't understand. Waves listened to the feedback, respected what their users wanted, and went back to offering perpetual licenses (as well as what's actually a pretty good subscription deal) within less than two weeks after announcing the change. Why would people swear off a company that pays attention to their customers and does what the customers want?

As to talking about past history and bringing up Roland/Gibson, I think it's important to point out that BandLab has owned Cakewalk for 6 years. Gibson owned it for 4 years, and Roland bailed 5 years after becoming a majority stockholder. Give BandLab some credit for persevering where others didn't, owning and cultivating the program for longer than the previous two owners, continuing to update the program on a regular basis, offering a free version, and not shutting the door completely on perpetual licenses in the future. Credit where credit is due. This is not Roland/Gibson.

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19 minutes ago, CSistine said:

Maybe if you have burnt your fingers more than once, you should have learnt something and should keep your hands off the fire! ?

I understand your comment.   However, we have not been burned more than once with Bandlab.  Instead, it has kept important staff, provided updates, and made it free for a number of years, while the predecessors were charging.  And any guarantees by a company are only worth the lifetime of the company.  So, the question is what is sustainable for Bandlab and the Sonar/Cakewalk users?   I do not think I can say it better than Craig Anderton, but Bandlab gave us a chance, and maybe it is reasonable to give Bandlab a chance to respond here.  It is not like Bandlab has said that a perpetual license option is foreclosed.   And it would be reasonable if there was a perpetual license, that there be a charge for updates to help pay the continual costs of staff, etc.  

And perhaps all these comments about concerns for a perpetual license will reach Bandlab.   I suspect one of the pieces of the puzzle missing here is whether posts on this forum make it to the decision makers at Bandlab?  If they do, great.  If they do not, then it would be great to know how and where to convey these concerns.

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34 minutes ago, Misha said:


people might not be aware that Noel called you friend. Years ago. So the way I see it, you are protecting friend's reputation. Which is not a bad thing, but where is the critical thinking? All that was done to Cakewalk in past 6 years is up in the air until BL clarifies plans.  When Gibson went belly up, Noel had very specific wording on retaining ability to use software.  Unfortunately, it seems BL doesn't allow Bakers to speak freely on the subject and from what is evident, at least 1/2 people here are not happy with the way Sonar was released (Not the actual Sonar). Bakers did a grand of a job.

  Today Jonathan S mentioned:  "There are no plans for CbB to go anywhere anytime soon. "  This is good "temporary" news. At least good enough to take a deep breath and see next BL's step(s).  I don't want to give up on Cakewalk/Sonar, but subscription is a big no no. Subscribe->retain last version->discounted upgrade would work the best.

I thought you said in that other thread that you were going to let this go? ?

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you didn't read the post, but yanked my bit of it. I asked a specific question (Is it safe to assume that Cakewalk will be available for the next 2 years), but was not given a straight  answer. Only partial, watered down version. Which is  "good temporary news" - Just as I mentioned above. If you are that spy worthy, you may also note, that not once I questioned features, looks, stability or effort put by Bakers. 

I just don't buy into praising 6 years of Cakewalk development until clarity of it's long term future and future of Sonar perpetual licenses are made known. It's like this: You live in the house, you presume is yours, but then local government says... It's not really yours. You can live in it...for now, but there is no guarantee that you will live here in 2026. Clarity, is what most want. 

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We know that you don't like subscriptions. Posting repeated inflammatory posts about this is not great and will result in posts getting locked or removed. 
This is a peer to peer forum to discuss the use of Sonar and ask questions about the product, not the company's business policies. You aren't going to get responses to such queries.

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