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Computer upgrade seems useless

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On 6/23/2024 at 6:18 AM, John Vere said:

You are not in proper ASIO mode. Either that or the Real Tech driver is interfering. You need to remove it in the Reg Edit app. I can tell this because you should not see the Real Tech as an option in the sync and caching. I also don't see the "use ASIO reported Latency" And another thing is you sometimes can have audio issues if you use way to high a buffer setting like you are. 

The first step is to get a good report from Latency Monitor. Get that puppy in the green before you continue. 

Watch this video and report back. https://youtu.be/y5bQhQuZEPQ

Hi John. Thanks  for that video tutorial and your kind help. So, I've  deleted the additioal ASIO drivers from Device Manager and in the registry. It seems, though, that after a PC reboot, the're back again! This time, I went to Windows Remove Program and uninstalled the Realtek app. Do you think I should also emove the Nividia HD AUdio driver (see screen shot)? I'm afraid this may impact my gameplay negatively. 




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As in the video, those you just disable. No need to un install. 
The only audio drivers that need to be nuked are one that show up in the Sync and Caching and can’t be unselected there.  
The Nivida driver is for your HDMI connection to your monitors speakers if it has them. Mine don’t and even if the did I probably wouldn’t use them. Well I guess they would be a funky way to prove your mixes on a krappy sound system! 

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17 hours ago, John Vere said:

As in the video, those you just disable. No need to un install. 
The only audio drivers that need to be nuked are one that show up in the Sync and Caching and can’t be unselected there.  
The Nivida driver is for your HDMI connection to your monitors speakers if it has them. Mine don’t and even if the did I probably wouldn’t use them. Well I guess they would be a funky way to prove your mixes on a krappy sound system! 

All right -- I'm surely but slowly getting there. Yep, I also don't use my monitor speakers, so I'll get rid of the Nvidia driver. Realtek Audio was the biggest culprit. I uninstalled that one, and now CW's performance is much better (about the same as on my old system, which wasn't too bad). In a few days I'll add more RAM - hopefully, that will also make a difference. I read somewhere that Xeon CPUs aren't great for real-time audio production, which is what my new system (unfortunately) has.

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Forgive me for not paying close attention here. BUT, it’s a Dell. Not, IMHO, a “top candidate” for a DAW. However there is a forum member, @Jack Stonerwho is active on the Dell support forum. Perhaps Jack will drop by and give some advice. Looks like he hasn’t posted in quite some time, but according to his profile he stopped by on Monday. 🤞, how ‘bout it FireBerd? Can you help our man out?


Edited by DeeringAmps
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On 6/28/2024 at 7:39 PM, Cobus Prinsloo said:

Realtek Audio was the biggest culprit. I uninstalled that one

don't uninstall it, disable in your device manager. otherwise it will reinstall itself. RealTek drivers can be like a, erm, certain kind of painful itch that doesn't go away just because the redness disappears. just sayin' for a friend... ahem,

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On 6/28/2024 at 5:39 PM, Cobus Prinsloo said:

now CW's performance is much better (about the same as on my old system, which wasn't too bad)

To be honest, I wouldn't have expected a huge improvement in performance relative to your old system. At some point in specifications, perceptible performance isn't going to improve by that much for DAW use.

The new system improves upon the memory speed and graphics, which are two areas that will yield better perceived performance, so you're covered there.

You haven't mentioned exactly what performance improvement(s) you were expecting. We assume around here that people are striving for ever-lower latency, but that, too is at some point constrained by USB or Firewire technology.

Latency, screen drawing, what is it that you are seeking? What kind of projects do you commonly do? Orchestral pieces involving sample libraries? Audio with many FX? Electronic with many soft synths? Scoring to video?

The resources that those different types of project depend on are....different. Sample libraries like a lot of fast RAM and fast disk for loading. DDR5 and NVme. Audio with FX and electronic likes faster processors with more cores. Scoring to video wants a good video card.

As far as I can tell, your system has all of those things. It's a Dell, so it's well-integrated. The only issues I've ever run into with my Dell towers were due to manufacturers' drivers not working as well as the (older) drivers supplied by Dell. The Audiobox 96 is a time-tested and currently-supported interface.

One thing to check that people sometimes neglect is the possibility that a cable has gone bad. When I purchased my (used) PreSonus Studio 2|4, it came with a USB A to USB C cable. It had crappy performance until I tried a new cable.

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On 6/28/2024 at 4:36 PM, John Vere said:

As in the video, those you just disable. No need to un install. 
The only audio drivers that need to be nuked are one that show up in the Sync and Caching and can’t be unselected there.  
The Nivida driver is for your HDMI connection to your monitors speakers if it has them. Mine don’t and even if the did I probably wouldn’t use them. Well I guess they would be a funky way to prove your mixes on a krappy sound system! 

What kind of system do you use, i.e. CPU type, SSD etc?

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5 hours ago, Starship Krupa said:

To be honest, I wouldn't have expected a huge improvement in performance relative to your old system. At some point in specifications, perceptible performance isn't going to improve by that much for DAW use.

The new system improves upon the memory speed and graphics, which are two areas that will yield better perceived performance, so you're covered there.

You haven't mentioned exactly what performance improvement(s) you were expecting. We assume around here that people are striving for ever-lower latency, but that, too is at some point constrained by USB or Firewire technology.

Latency, screen drawing, what is it that you are seeking? What kind of projects do you commonly do? Orchestral pieces involving sample libraries? Audio with many FX? Electronic with many soft synths? Scoring to video?

The resources that those different types of project depend on are....different. Sample libraries like a lot of fast RAM and fast disk for loading. DDR5 and NVme. Audio with FX and electronic likes faster processors with more cores. Scoring to video wants a good video card.

As far as I can tell, your system has all of those things. It's a Dell, so it's well-integrated. The only issues I've ever run into with my Dell towers were due to manufacturers' drivers not working as well as the (older) drivers supplied by Dell. The Audiobox 96 is a time-tested and currently-supported interface.

One thing to check that people sometimes neglect is the possibility that a cable has gone bad. When I purchased my (used) PreSonus Studio 2|4, it came with a USB A to USB C cable. It had crappy performance until I tried a new cable.

This is an eye-opener to me, thanks. The problem is clicks and pops during playback.

I use mainly Electronic with many soft synths. USB 3. 
23x Soft Synths (many are instances of the same ones). Minus all instances, and that leaves 10 soft synths.
21x Tracks

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14 hours ago, Cobus Prinsloo said:

The problem is clicks and pops during playback.

I use mainly Electronic with many soft synths. USB 3. 
23x Soft Synths (many are instances of the same ones). Minus all instances, and that leaves 10 soft synths.
21x Tracks

Jeez Louise, bounce and freeze.

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