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I saw this coming...

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I can recognize anything with vocals on the spot, even though I cannot seem to formulate exactly what it is. But it's a matter of time until it fools me... And in a sense, a lot of humans are already doing the same thing - creating with prompts. What if this artist had written that artist's song?

It's also something I've always liked doing, but I've always mostly felt that this was training. It was a means for me to forge my own vocabulary and do my own thing. And doing my own thing has never been contingent upon whether people would hear it or not. I guess that the literary background provided me with a solid sense of disillusionment - most of my heroes were ignored during their lifetime and died miserable deaths. So I write, regardless...

But I don't envy people who made a career writing and performing music. I've done it here and there for short spells for fun, but I like a steady paycheck too much for that. I can't imagine how I would feel with AI taking over.

That being said, AI won't stop there, so most of us are at risk one way or another, anyway.

I can't imagine myself prompting software to generate my playlists though. I don't even like playlists. I am an album guy. And if there is no human connection, there is no music - it's just organized noises.

I'll pull out Kind of Blue or Rush 2112 and listen to that until I am done down here...

Edited by Rain
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I was thinking about this whole "creating your own music" paradigm, and there's one thing...

People have a strong need for attention and external validation. And I am not sure how much people will enjoy their own "creation" unless they get to share it. I am guessing that they will be hoping to accomplish that via social media.

The issue at this point becomes over-saturation. A point where so much content is generated that it seems it'll be impossible for any of it to make any headway. If anyone thought the market was saturated now they have no idea what they are in for. Can you imagine a point where it's even impossible for anything to go viral because everything is instantly drowned out in background noise, and no one is consuming but everyone is generating?

At any rate, as a musician, I don't see the future as a very happy place...

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If interested in this issue, the YouTuber known as "Top Music Attorney" has a reaction video to the "WTF Udio" video. It's a typical reaction video (setup, plays video segments, comments on video, adds opinion(s), etc.). Jesse Josefsson also has a conversation video with her. Top Music Attorney also has a conversation video

"YouTubers of the World, UNITE!"

Edited by User 905133
corrected spelling (Josefsson, not Josefson)
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