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Any Facebook Gurus - I need help - locked out - can't get back in

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The only META/FB phone number I found was not answered. There is a recording telling you which website to go to for which problem, and when you go there, they give you all the answers to the most common problems. But if your problem doesn't fit in, there is no chat, e-mail, or phone number to get help.

Since I can't sign in, I created another FB account. I figured I could perhaps get help if I could log in (silly me). And here is what happened after I signed in.

I did a search and got a META help page and got my hopes up!

A seemingly nice guy messaged me, and said he could help. He asked general questions, mostly about what I was experiencing, what the error messages said, what steps did I take, and in what order. This went on to the second day.

Then he said, he'd have to get some tools and debugging equipment. Sounds good, and we chatted a bit more.

I asked him if he could tell why I was locked, and he said I broke a FB rule. I answer that I don't get political online, I try to be nice to everybody, I don't spam, and can't see where I broke a rule. He responded that there are some crazy rules that you wouldn't think were illegal.

Then he said, if I buy the tools, I can probably resell them. That's when the big red flag and the buzzer horn went off in my brain. 

I told him that I know I'm the product, not the customer, and I have no intention of paying for help. I thanked him for his time, wished him luck, and ended the conversation.

I don't know if he is a scammer, or someone doing work for hire. I'll give him the benefit of the doubt. 

So it looks like I'll have to kiss my Sophisticats page on FB good-bye. I might make another some day, but right now I'm learning some new songs for our duo. I've wasted too much time on this dog already.

I'm glad I was very careful about the information I gave the guy, just in case.

As far as I'm concerned, FB is more trouble than it's worth. Hire human help for unusual situations.


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8 hours ago, Grem said:

If he wanted to sell you tools to fix FB problem, it was a scam. Good that you ended it. 



Paying to have a free account fixed raised a big red flag.

Now I have a few others wanting to help. I tell them right away, “I know you are trying to make some money, don't waste your time with me, because it's not worth it to me. And good luck to you, we all have to make a living.”

They could be nefarious, but they could be just trying to sell their services. After all, that's what I do as an entertainer. I give them the benefit of the doubt, and treat them kindly.

Now I'm going to have to delete this account.

I may start over in a while, but I'm in no hurry to do so. I have more important things to do with my time, like hanging out in the Coffee House. :D


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47 minutes ago, Byron Dickens said:

"Locked out of Farcebook and can't get back in."


You say that like its a bad thing....

bob's trying to sort his fb band page out, so yes it's a bad thing, do you have any useful input?

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It looks like I am not going to be able to get any help to unlock my band's account. 

I opened a new personal account to try to find help on FB. I couldn't get on with the old one, so it was worth a try.

Instead, I got a few people who are willing to help me, but they want money to do so. IMO, there is nothing wrong with trying to sell their services to me, but I don't want to pay to save a free account. It just seems wrong. 

I've only posted once on the new account, and it was on a Meta help page, where the offers for help came in. Now I'm getting friend requests from dozens of people I don't know.

So I'm going to have to close this account.

My old band account is still visible, I just can't edit it or post on it. And it has a link to my website where anyone on the web can visit me.

So my solution is to either let this one become stuck in limbo, or whatever happens to an unattended account in Facebook.

Eventually, I'll make a new band site on FB, but I've wasted too much time trying to fix this one, so I'm not in a hurry to start.

I've always questioned why people would want a Facebook Business page, where only FB members can access it, when he/she could have a World Wide Web page where anyone on the Internet can access it, FB or not.

But either I'm missing something, or just too logical.


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fwiw, i'd set up a new personal account (you already did this?) and then a new band page, you can then message all the people regarding the new band page


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