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Possible sustain pedal bug in Cakewalk?


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I’m wondering if there is a possible sustain pedal bug in Cakewalk.  We’ve discussed the topic of hanging notes in the past regarding notes hanging on sustained midi tracks.  

After reinstalling Cakewalk, and having the most current OS, the sustain issue is still there.  I noticed it with several VST’s and now the latest one I downloaded (SampleTank 4).


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Hanging synth note are not confined to cakewalk that's for sure.

I run Blue Cat Patchwork standalone on a laptop for low latency monitoring and got a stuck note that required shutting down the laptop to make it STOP!!!!! I was holding a key down when I changed synths by clicking. - opps it didn't like that!


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I just record a piano track playing normally using a sustain pedal.  When I play the track back, all is fine, but stopping the track results in sustained notes hanging.  It really becomes an issue when you’ve got multiple tracks, and you’re doing simple mixer edits.  

Cant remember who it was, but another member used several different VST’s to confirm it.  I just got SampleTank 4 and it’s doing it with this VST (along with others I have).  

Its like the sustain off message isn’t getting processed when you press stop.


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10 hours ago, Noel Borthwick said:

If you look in the event list do you see the pedal off event recorded?

Good point to check, yet, If he stops playback at a point where the sustain pedal had been pressed, it wouldn't have reached the point where the note off events would be processed, which has happened to me many times in the past.

When I record piano parts I generally do use the sustain pedal, but for that situation, just pressing the sustain pedal and letting it up again would silence the notes left on.

If there isn't already something in place, would it be possible to have a setting in CbB to have it automatically send the midi event for sustain on and off, to all midi channels, when playback stops?  Wouldn't need every note getting note off data  - just the data needed to simulate pressing and releasing a sustain pedal.  (just a thought).

Bob Bone (edited to add the bold text above)

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On 10/26/2019 at 11:23 PM, Robert Bone said:

If there isn't already something in place, would it be possible to have a setting in CbB to have it automatically send the midi event for sustain on and off, to all midi channels, when playback stops?  Wouldn't need every note getting note off data  - just the data needed to simulate pressing and releasing a sustain pedal.  (just a thought).

Open the project, go Preferences --> Project --> MIDI --> Other Options . Tick the Zero Controllers When Play Stops.

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2 hours ago, James Argo said:

Open the project, go Preferences --> Project --> MIDI --> Other Options . Tick the Zero Controllers When Play Stops.

I never knew that also affected the sustain pedal, but YUP, it sure does - I just confirmed it in the documentation.  Thanks :) 

From the doc, under Preferences > Project > MIDI:

"Zero Controllers When Play Stops. If you choose this option, Cakewalk sets the controller values of the pitch wheel, the sustain pedal, and the modulation wheel on all 16 MIDI channels to zero. It also sends a “zero all continuous controllers” MIDI message which turns off other continuous controllers on newer synthesizers. If you experience frequent stuck notes when playback stops, try checking this option".

Bob Bone

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Sorry haven’t replied to the post in a while.  Been busy (6 kids, life in general, blah, blah, blah).

Anyways, I do have that box checked for Zero controllers.  I’ll do some testing this evening and look into the Event List.  If it’s not recording the pedal off data, it’s strange as other programs and software I use this controller for do receive the off message.


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I looked at the event list, and the controller data is being recorded for sustain off.

When I recorded a piano track using SampleTank, the notes continued to sustain (even though Zero Controllers is selected, and the midi data for sustain off is also recorded).

However, when I keep the midi track and just change the VST to SoniVox 88 Ensemble, the sustained notes stop like they should when I stop or pause playback.

The same sustain issue happens with Xpand2 which would lead one to think that it’s an issue specific to the VST, but when I use Xpand2 in another DAW, it works properly.

It’s a head scratcher ?

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  • 4 months later...

I have a similar issue, so was searching the knowledge base for info about it and found this thread.

For me, it even happens when I'm simply playing with input echo turned on between 2 external MIDI devices.

Steps to reproduce:

1) Create a blank, new project.

2) Add a MIDI track.  Set the input to MIDI Ch.1 (I have a Behringer U-Phoria UMC 1820, but also have had the issue using a Steinberg UR22).  Set the output to the MIDI out.  Turn input echo to "On" or "Auto Thru".  I have a M-Audio Keystation-88 controller plugged in to the MIDI in, and a Yamaha MX61 plugged in to the MIDI out.

3) Start playing.  I frequently find there are 1 or more keys that "stick" as if the sustain pedal is pressed only for that key.  Right now, it's a low E.  I can record a quick video if you don't believe me, but it's very strange.

I don't even have to record to make this happen - just play with input echo.  Interestingly, I just recorded, and it happens on playback as well.  When I tried to redirect playback to a VST (just the default TTS-1), though, it didn't happen.  So, the sustain is not in the recorded MIDI.

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I have this issue as well I have noticed at times if say you drag a midi file in sometimes it makes a double file !!!! this midi you did in another program I am beta testing scaler2 using bandlab sustain is overwhelming not saying its bandlab but it seems to be worst when using scaler thanks eric

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