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Cannot export audio - sound card goes "offline"

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Hi. Every now and then when I want to export audio, the source (my sound interface) goes "offline" in my export dialogue. I cannot check the box next to it. And then, obviously, when I export my file, there is nothing!

I cannot find a pattern to filter potential causes for this. I hope someone can point me in the right direction.


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In the mean time, change the Source Category to Buses, and select only the Master bus. I would also suggest disabling Render in Real-time unless you really have need to hear the bounce or some plugin is misbehaving when fast-bouncing. Otherwise, there is no quality difference between fast (a.k.a. offline) and real-time (a.k.a. online) rendering.

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9 hours ago, David Baay said:

In the mean time, change the Source Category to Buses, and select only the Master bus. I would also suggest disabling Render in Real-time unless you really have need to hear the bounce or some plugin is misbehaving when fast-bouncing. Otherwise, there is no quality difference between fast (a.k.a. offline) and real-time (a.k.a. online) rendering.

Are you familiar with busses?
Typically, we would group instruments together, like Guitars, Keys, Voices, etc. and run them through audio busses. All of those audio busses would then be routed through a Master bus which has its output set to the interface.

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2 hours ago, Cobus Prinsloo said:

Thank you. Changing the category to buses didn't make a difference. However, what seems to work is when I select all the tracks before going to Export. Why, I wouldn't know. just one of those annoying Cakewalk glitches to put up with. 

If you don't select all the tracks, how would it know which tracks to include in the export?

You can also try selecting NONE before exporting (Ctrl + Shift + a). This has the same effect as selecting ALL

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8 hours ago, Cobus Prinsloo said:

Changing the category to buses didn't make a difference.

Meaning buses are also unselectable? The only way I can reproduce that behavior is by selecting a track that's outputting to a dead-end Patch Point that isn't connected to anything downstream.

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You do not need to select anything anymore because this can be done inside the Export dialogue now. 

See the blue arrow on the right in the  Sources box. That opens a mini track and bus pane  where you can do the same as you do in track view. It is hidden by default. 

When you see your audio interface is not checked it is because something else is already selected in the hidden box. 

The Advanced export dialogue is very powerful and there's a lot to learn if you desire to take full advantage of it's features. 

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