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UVI Get 60% off BeatBox Anthology 2! Now on sale

Larry Shelby

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Great price! Now is the perfect time to use that 20€ voucher on top of that! 

edit: nevermind, that is strange.. normally UVI allows to stack vouchers on top of sales, but not this time

Edited by GoncaloL
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Oh boy.. no.. I am a drum addict. Is this best price it has ever been?

I fuggin love beat machines. It’s between this and that new NI expansion that came out now…

where does one get that voucher from? Do you need a high priced UVI product to get those? I think I have Synsations in my account.

Edited by telecode 101
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13 minutes ago, telecode 101 said:

Oh boy.. no.. I am a drum addict. Is this best price it has ever been?

I fuggin love beat machines. It’s between this and that new NI expansion that came out now…

where does one get that voucher from? Do you need a high priced UVI product to get those? I think I have Synsations in my account.

Check your UVI account if you apply for a voucher it will appear there

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26 minutes ago, telecode 101 said:

Oh boy.. no.. I am a drum addict. Is this best price it has ever been?

I fuggin love beat machines. It’s between this and that new NI expansion that came out now…

where does one get that voucher from? Do you need a high priced UVI product to get those? I think I have Synsations in my account.

Do you own Falcon ? if not , don't buy , if yes , this is the best value for money when it comes to drums around  , i skipped the DMX from Gforce and the CR 78 because of this  !!!

To make it short there's some processing by default that you have to get rid of , i explained this on GS , after that you have all drums machine RAW witch is what you def want to appreciate each color and vibe , but UVI had the brilliant idea to stack tones of processinga dna one of dem , even not used color the sound !!! you need to switch off or get rid of it in the arborescence o(structure) of patch , resave and have fun !!

By the way , surpised that not one so called pro reveiwer noticed that , but i'm a long time producer , this might explain this (no ego , but i did a beat or two lol )

Edited by Zo
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