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E-on Software - all 3D software now FREE .. Vue, Plant factory etc

aidan o driscoll

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So another one bites the dust. I was a VUE user and upgrader up to 2014. Found I was notb making enough use and with other software I was not using much, couldnt justify upgrade costs I dropped. Sad to see it finished up, its been around a long while in the niche 3D are it was in. But I suppose the silver lining is the latest edition 2024 is now FREE for everyone. Great piece of software, do enjoy 

e-on software products have served the media and entertainment industry for over 27 years. Following its acquisition by Bentley Systems in 2015, e-on software’s technologies have been integrated into various Bentley products and have been used by valued customers and partners world-wide.

For over 39 years, Bentley’s focus has been to serve engineers and other professionals responsible for designing, constructing, and operating sustainable infrastructure. To keep our focus, we have decided to end sales for VUE, PlantFactory, and PlantCatalog. These products will not be further developed, and support will be limited to critical security patches.

However, we are offering free downloads and usage of VUE, PlantFactory, and PlantCatalog as perpetual versions to anyone interested in continuing to utilize these products and technologies! Simply download the product and acknowledge the new end-user-license-agreement (EULA) agreeing to using the software without support.


Edited by aidan o driscoll
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Wow. Not sure what I'm more surprised at - that Vue has ceased development, or that Bentley would want to buy a company that makes 3D landscape modelling software; doesn't look like much overlap in business to me.

I used to love the idea of creating 3D landscapes, though at some point couldn't justifying the cost for what was essentially just me playing around.

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Hello Aidon,

Kind Hellos and apologies...I'm the Obi-Wan Kenobi of software running softimage/XSI 2015 and running Vue xtream 2014 inside softimage. 

I'm trying to re-install Vue 2016 (build 14); the last Vue xtream release that integrated into XSI.  I have the .exe installer, but it requires the e-mailed serial# to launch the installation.  Beyond that I can still activate it with e-on until August.  I don't have the serial# and my account was deleted on e-on.  Any chance you or anyone might have the generic installation serial# (or a workaround) to share to get the 2016 installation to execute?  Thanks in advance for any help from anyone.  And may the soft be with you...

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5 hours ago, CMJ said:

Hello Aidon,

Kind Hellos and apologies...I'm the Obi-Wan Kenobi of software running softimage/XSI 2015 and running Vue xtream 2014 inside softimage. 

I'm trying to re-install Vue 2016 (build 14); the last Vue xtream release that integrated into XSI.  I have the .exe installer, but it requires the e-mailed serial# to launch the installation.  Beyond that I can still activate it with e-on until August.  I don't have the serial# and my account was deleted on e-on.  Any chance you or anyone might have the generic installation serial# (or a workaround) to share to get the 2016 installation to execute?  Thanks in advance for any help from anyone.  And may the soft be with you...

Hi @CMJ .. same here, it seems they removed the old accounts. I  setup a new account with the hope I would get back access to my old purchases BUT no. 

Have downloded the latest VUE 2024 and Plantfactory. All good here because I last purchased in around 2014, so Im quids in now :D

Re past licenses and XSTREAM .. never had XSTREAM so no help to you there. Have you tried the new vue pro 2024, maybe what you want is default in that. Free to try now anyway

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