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🔒 ​Bapu's Random Thoughts For The Day


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6 hours ago, InstrEd said:

Now that is on my list of things to learn. I missed the EWI Solo introduction and they sold out quickly. Next batch still a couple of months away. I like the idea of onboard sounds/speaker for practice. I could of got the EWI USB for $250 but then I need a sound source.   Main reason I want one is for double reed instrument sounds. Always wanted to learn oboe but can't justify the cost of a decent one. So the Akai EWI Solo looks perfect for my needs. I already downloaded the fingering chart and have been air practicing LOL



I prefer the WX5 with the VL70m synth.

What bugs me about the EWI is that the lip vibrato speed is not controlled by your bite pressure, but by a capacitor discharge. That makes for less control of the vibrato.

The WX has true lip vibrato, and the physical modeling of the VL synth makes it feel like I'm playing a real instrument rather than controlling a synth. Unfortunately, both are no longer in production, but I have enough spare parts to last me until I reach my coda.

Roland is coming out with a new Aerophone pro that looks promising, but it's going to retail at almost $1500. Since I play music for a living, I might evaluate that to see if it will give me enough more than my WX/VL combo to justify the price.

After 9 months of unemployment, I have to think about these things.


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15 hours ago, InstrEd said:

@Notes_Norton  Mine would just be for my own enjoyment and if I get good enough maybe to play in church the woodwind parts.    Reading the music for most of the stuff is no problem coming from keyboards, it will be remembering the fingering LOL 

You might try one of the less expensive Roland AE models (05, 05, 10, etc). I've never tried one, but some models do have their own speaker and sounds; self-contained, no amp required.

There is a Yamaha electric sax, but most of the guys on the wind controller list think it's overpriced.

If you're serious, you can check out the discussions at


The guys who own one of the reasonably priced AE10 know more about it than I do.



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6 minutes ago, Bapu said:


just for that !


There once was a band leader that named his twin daughters Anna One  Anna Two 

 I bought a ceiling fan the other day.
Complete waste of money. He just stands there applauding and saying “Ooh, I love how smooth it is.”

I herd a Zombie Vegetarian mutter “GRRRAAAIIINNNNS!”

The only difference between a well dressed man on a unicycle and a poorly dressed man on a bike is attire!

Darth Vader knew what Luke got him for Christmas cuz  he felt his presents!

I  watched a documentary about beavers and it was the best dam show I ever saw!

  • Haha 1
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