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9 hours ago, Danny_Danzi said:

Thank you kind Sir. I've missed you too. :)

Nah, Sonar is still my weapon of choice. I just don't hang out in forums much these days. The "Danzi help store" got a bit too much for me to handle. Too many people trying to rule the roost with idiotic posts attempting to make recording  look like a dark art. After a while you get tired of debunking the myths and fighting with people. All the links and technical mumbo jumbo just irked me. Then the bashers would start in and it got my blood boiling to where it just wasn't worth me being involved.  I'm one of those guys that treats this like I would if you were standing here face to face. I wouldn't type something here that I wouldn't say to a man's face like others that stir things up.  I just get too passionate and emotionally involved  with forums because I take this stuff so seriously and truly did want to help others. I can't help who and what I am, ya know? So it's been all forums, not just this one.

Yeah, unfortunately, I got tired of turning down business when someone would call and say "you got pro tools, you got Cubase, you got Studio One, you use Reaper?" If no one asks for anything specific, it's always Sonar.

Thank you, I'm doing very well and hope you and everyone else are well also. Glad you enjoyed my posts, that makes me feel great. I really enjoyed making them, truth be told. I actually have stayed away from posting for so long, I'm not as good at typing as I used to be. So now I not only can't write because I used to type everything, I can't type either. Thank God I can still create music! :)

Sorry to hear about Beepster. Good dude. I hope he's ok also.

Glad a few of you remembered me. It meant a lot to see this! Thank you all so much!


Haters gonna hate. Trolls are gonna troll. You helped a lot of people out. You truly have a good heart.

I'm not always using Cakewalk . Lots of good tools out there today.

 Good to hear from you. Wasn't sure what had happened.

Anyone who comes off authoritive ( like you do) seems to be challenged on the web. I know you have every right to be authoritive. Some people just like to challenge . I say hey, if they want to try something else, let them do it. It's often a set up really, someone asks how do you do this or that? You answered ( usually with a very detailed thoughtful response) Then someone else comes along to mix everything up....and frustrate the helper. Yep. I get that. Still......missed reading your very well crafted posts. Still remember one you wrote on EQ. It should have been published. 

You have trouble posting now? Hope all is well. If you are somehow laid up maybe one of those verbal speech to text things would help? Or maybe you just were ready to do something more useful with your time lol. Like I should be :)


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On 7/29/2020 at 9:53 AM, InstrEd said:

@Danny_Danzi thanks for the update. I never was able to help like you did so I just decided to hang out here in the Coffee House for the most part where most of the folks have a sense of humor. Yes even for my weird sense of humor :D

Nice to see you are doing well.


It's OK, helping is often times overrated and takes a special soul with thick skin that enjoys a diet of crap. After 30 years, it was time for a diet change. ?

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On 7/29/2020 at 10:10 AM, Starise said:

Haters gonna hate. Trolls are gonna troll. You helped a lot of people out. You truly have a good heart.

I'm not always using Cakewalk . Lots of good tools out there today.

 Good to hear from you. Wasn't sure what had happened.

Anyone who comes off authoritive ( like you do) seems to be challenged on the web. I know you have every right to be authoritive. Some people just like to challenge . I say hey, if they want to try something else, let them do it. It's often a set up really, someone asks how do you do this or that? You answered ( usually with a very detailed thoughtful response) Then someone else comes along to mix everything up....and frustrate the helper. Yep. I get that. Still......missed reading your very well crafted posts. Still remember one you wrote on EQ. It should have been published. 

You have trouble posting now? Hope all is well. If you are somehow laid up maybe one of those verbal speech to text things would help? Or maybe you just were ready to do something more useful with your time lol. Like I should be :)


Thanks Tim, good to hear from you also. Nah, there's enough hate and trolling in the world. It's easier to shut down my browser and do something else. People that know me, know how to get a hold of me if they need me. I'll still be around from time to time. I'm just WAY more selective with who I reach out to and help these days. ?

With the typing thing, what I meant was, I used to type so much all the time, I barely had to hand write anything. So my writing is now horrendous like a doctor. I also don't take part in forum stuff so now my typing skills are horrible. I was so fast man, now I typo like crazy. I don't have any physical issues or limitations. Sorry if it came.off that way.

Edited by Danny
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The strangest thing happened to me last night in bed.

I remember waking up and being aware of a strange presence in the room.

Through the fog of sleepiness, I could make out a figure standing over me. As my eyes adjusted to the dim light, I could see the figure was dressed in a black, hooded cowl, and was holding what appeared to be a scythe.

"Who .... who are you?" I muttered nervously.

The figure leaned over toward me and said, "I am death".

I gathered my thoughts and replied ....






















































































































































































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well they sure have come in handy










































(just trying some out for myself)

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