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Track EQ (Sonitus) crashes new Sonar without error

Heinz Hupfer

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Problems with older Files from 2014 (very old I know) .

The Files load without problems (some missing Plugs), but if I double click in the mixer in the eq window 

it crashes immediately without an error. 

Loading again I can open the ProChannel and Ctrl-Click the EQ and it works without problems with the PC EQ.

If I can remember it's the Sonitus EQ.

No Prob, I have to remix these files, and I will use either the PC -EQ or Scheps Omni Channel.

Would be faster to just rework some frequencies but why not Remix them completely:)




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  • Heinz Hupfer changed the title to Track EQ (Sonitus) crashes new Sonar without error

Did you open the crash dump and look at what actually caused the crash? 

I just learned how to do this after all these years thanks to help from another forum member. 

You will need this app. WinDbg. available at the Microsoft store. It can open any dump files for any software. 

The Dump file is hard to find but this is my pathway for Sonar. 

Users\me\Appdata\roaming\cakewalk\Sonar\mini dumps

I played with it for a few hours looking at all the crash dumps from the last year and it was always either the TTS-1 ( another DX plug in) and Kontakt. 

I also found out why my video editing software was crashing. It was VST plug in related. 


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