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I hate FedEx

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That sucks.

Guess I was lucky - FedEx has always been reliable here.
UPS however...  Late 2 times out of 3.
I've seen packages allegedly out for delivery that were then delayed for days and ultimately never arrived.

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7 hours ago, bitflipper said:

Here's what I can't figure out...these delivery companies have advanced GPS technology and AI route mapping. They can tell exactly where a given truck or package is at any time, anywhere in the world.

Where I live, some last mile delivery services send a link to a map once the delivery truck is on its way. In my case it’s usually about an hour before the actual drop. The link leads to a map with the location of the truck so you can follow it online while it makes its different deliveries in the vicinity. The map is updated a couple of times a minute, so you can watch it closing in on your neighbourhood almost in real time. Some even have a counter on the map where it says how many additional drops will be made until it reaches your address. It works pretty well.

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Many moons ago where I worked we had a dedicated courier collection who come in every day at around 4pm to take the many parcels that would be despatched on a daily basis. This guy's day was a regular delivery round in the am/early pm then he came directly to us and basically didn't leave until we were ready to call it a day. Sometimes if he wanted out of there sooner because he had evening plans he would also help make up the parcels to get things moving quicker. 

One day, opening the door of his van to help him load up what was usually an empty van I saw he had a huge box on there which if it contained what the box said  it was, then it was the latest mucho expensive Yamaha flagship synth. The box appeared to be unmolested and he said that as far as he knew it contained exactly what it said it did. I made the kind of noises that suggested how much I would like one of those and he said that if I wanted it, then I could take it. The reason it was still in there was because it was never supposed to be in his van in the first place and as it didn't appear on his now completed scheduled delivery manifest (he showed it to me) then as far as any records showed he didn't have it, never did have it, so nobody would be expecting him to return with it.....

It was very tempting, but I figured that it was too good to be true and would come back to bite me somehow, so I left it there. 

I have no idea what he's up to these days. but maybe he works for "that" courier now.?

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7 hours ago, Canopus said:

Where I live, some last mile delivery services send a link to a map once the delivery truck is on its way. In my case it’s usually about an hour before the actual drop. The link leads to a map with the location of the truck so you can follow it online while it makes its different deliveries in the vicinity. The map is updated a couple of times a minute, so you can watch it closing in on your neighbourhood almost in real time. Some even have a counter on the map where it says how many additional drops will be made until it reaches your address. It works pretty well.

That's how Amazon does it here, and its deliveries have been consistently on time or early. I've had orders show up the next day after ordering, even though I never pay for expedited shipping.  But then we have multiple fulfilment centers here, and Seattle is of course Amazon's home base. I imagine if Jeff or one of the other upper-level execs got stiffed on a delivery, heads would roll. I'm guessing Tennessee residents similarly get pretty good service from FedEx.

UPS is hit-or-miss.

Once I thought that an expensive microphone had been lost in transit, but I found it in the bushes by my driveway gate where it had been lying in the rain for two days. Fortunately, it was well-packaged and the mic itself did not get wet. Fortunately, I am not on a main street where it would have been noticed by thieves. Fortunately, the need for the mic was not urgent. Fortunately, my granddaughter has keen eyesight and noticed the box as she walked home from school.

On another occasion, UPS pulled into my driveway, turned around and left. I literally chased it down the driveway, but he didn't stop. That was my Hammond XK-1,  and I'd been anxiously awaiting its arrival all day.

But FedEx is the worst. Last year I bought a new mixer, a hard-to-get Yamaha DM3. Didn't show up on the promised delivery day, but we found it beside an unused basement door - with a badly-damaged box. I now have a sign on that door with a message addressed to FexEx saying don't dump deliveries here.

Two years ago I ordered a Nord Stage 3. For three days in a row they claimed no one was home and couldn't deliver it. That's what really ticks me off, adding insult by blaming me for not getting my order. When I'm awaiting a musical instrument I pee in the back yard to avoid going into the house for even a minute lest they sneak past me.


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49 minutes ago, bitflipper said:

When I'm awaiting a musical instrument I pee in the back yard to avoid going into the house for even a minute lest they sneak past me.

I decided to mow my lawn so they would see and hear me on the date they were supposed to deliver my guitar, for the 3rd time. At the time I had 5 acres, wide open and no trees except on 2 sides of the property line. I had a giant Kubota deisel tractor that was incredibly loud.

I went around to the back of the yard behind the house and cut along the tree lines in one pass. As I was coming up the property line I could see the FedEx truck leaving my driveway.

He must have just come in as I was going around the house headed toward the back. This was after I went online and selected 'no signature required. I finished mowing and started looking around for the guitar from Sweets.

All that was there was a yellow sticky note on my front door stating signature required and I wasn't home and I had to call their 800 number to schedule a pickup or pick another delivery date. That was the point I snapped and just cancelled the order.

A few days later, after I cancelled the order, the FedEx guy rolled up with the guitar and I happened to be there. He was just going to drop it off because by this time they got the no signsture required memo, but didnt get the memo saying not to deliver it. I told him what happened and he just hopped back in his truck with it and took off. I remember I even refused to sign that I declined delivery due to the fact that I had already cancelled the order and he shouldn't even have been there. I didn't want to put my name on anything and accidentally get billed for it and have to fight that too.

When I initially ordered the guitar it did show up, but the electronics were defective so I had to return it. So much for the 55 point inspection. It was the deliveries of the replacement guitar that got royally messed up.

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I've had FedEx pretend to make a delivery attempt (especially on Fridays).  Particularly annoying when you're waiting all day specifically not to miss delivery.

I've had a  USPS driver throw a computer case out of the truck.

UPS once dropped a machine from chest-level to pavement - right in front of my client (I spent several hundred dollars to overnight this machine for a session with BB King's daughter).

Amazon normally does well... but many times an item won't ship (or it's been delayed or lost).  


The best way to prevent shipping damage is to keep things completely immobile.

That's why (as crazy as it sounds), we pack both the inside AND outside of all DAWs (double boxed).

Haven't had any shipping damage in years.

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9 minutes ago, Bapu said:

Freakin' Expletive Doesn't Even Xist.

Creative there!

I don't know why I thought you would have spelled something else. 

Past Experience Negates Insidious Speculation

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The package got delivered, albeit left at an unused door. I only found out it was there by checking the tracking page, which said it had been delivered. While walking around the house looking for it, had fingers crossed that it had actually been delivered to the correct address. It was, and the box was mostly undamaged.

Nothing like a new toy to take the edge off one's fury.


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22 minutes ago, bitflipper said:


The package got delivered, albeit left at an unused door. I only found out it was there by checking the tracking page, which said it had been delivered. While walking around the house looking for it, had fingers crossed that it had actually been delivered to the correct address. It was, and the box was mostly undamaged.

Nothing like a new toy to take the edge off one's fury.




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Let's see if this one gets yanked ....

I don't remember if I told this story here before or not. Sorry, I'm getting older. Memory going.

I was at dunkin' across town one morning getting a coffee. The F. driver was there in front of me ordering breakfast. She was wearing spandex and I happened to notice she had a severe wardrobe malfunction and no undergarments on her back side.

I stood there behind her looking up at the ceiling, down at the floor, looking at the guy to the right me who was smiling, at the lady to the left of me shooting daggers at both of us.

I contemplated saying something to her but I figured I hadn't better. Might get accused of something and end up in a paddywagon.

I got my order before her and was sitting in my truck which was parked right next to her box delivery truck. Hah! Sorry, so she walks by and smiles and climbs up those metal grate steps in to the truck and I'm trying my darndest not to look. Due to the height of the steps, her gape, and amount of spandex tearing and location, you could see everything.

I called my fiance and told her and she said I probably did the right thing by not saying anything.

I go back across town to our apartment and son of a gun if the delivery girl didn't pull in behind me. I asked my better half to please go say something to her so she did. She comes back and tells me that the driver knew and she didn't care. We just shook our heads and walked away 

You could see everything, especially when she stepped up in to the truck, and she didn't care.

There. Censor Dat!

True story.

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