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Hello ABull . . . it's positively positive !  I really especially like the intro acoustic guitar, it sets up the tone of what is to come. The vocals are very upfront in the mix, and this works very well for my ears. My minor niggle would be in the middle section (which I really like) the "Happy to be Me" vocal kind of gets lost when the instruments come back in, and I think it's an important point in the song which should be heard more. Anyways, great stuff, and I also like the unpredictable way you end this.

Edited by noynekker
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On 10/19/2019 at 3:48 PM, Johnbee58 said:

Great production with lots of nice harmonies.  It all goes together nicely.  The words are uplifting and delightful.

?John B.

John, thanks for listening and commenting -- I'm glad you appreciate it -- esp. the vocals~~Allan


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On 10/20/2019 at 7:30 AM, DeeringAmps said:

Well sung, excellent job on the harmonies, vocally and note selection. I might let the acoustic push a bit more, maybe spread it across the sound stage or bring up the verb on it on the right side? Just some things I would try if I was mixing it. Overall a big?


Hey Tom, glad you like the song -- esp. the vocals.  Thanks for listening and commenting mate,.


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On 10/20/2019 at 2:09 PM, freddy j said:

What a nice happy, cheerful song.  A great melody and lyrics carry it right along.  Your vocals are excellent as are the harmonies.  Mix sounds good to me.

Nice one!!!

Hey Freddy, thanks for listening and commenting me ol' mucker -- glad ya like the song esp. dem vox.

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Hi Allan.  (going through a lot of songs now Im back on line as promised)
Are you influenced by the Beatles?
liked the arrangement and vocal harmonies.
I can hear that you don't use auto tune...  not meant in a bad way.

Its very retro and 60's sounding.

Mix wise  (again just my opinions)  its very middle based.
I would like to hear more tone and separation.

Your composition skills are amazing.

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On 10/20/2019 at 9:00 PM, noynekker said:

Hello ABull . . . it's positively positive !  I really especially like the intro acoustic guitar, it sets up the tone of what is to come. The vocals are very upfront in the mix, and this works very well for my ears. My minor niggle would be in the middle section (which I really like) the "Happy to be Me" vocal kind of gets lost when the instruments come back in, and I think it's an important point in the song which should be heard more. Anyways, great stuff, and I also like the unpredictable way you end this.

Hey, thanks for listening -- I'll keep your comments re the mix in mind--glad ya like the song & the demo.



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On 10/22/2019 at 1:41 PM, Starise said:

This has a nice retro feel I don't often hear. I feel like I'm back in 1973 11 years old and listening to a tune on the radio. I hope you understand that this is a high compliment from me on this because I really like that stuff!!!

Hey mate, thanks for that complimentary comment and thanks for listening~~Allan


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On 10/25/2019 at 3:41 PM, Douglas Kirby said:

I liked your lead vocal on this one - especially the echo you put on it.  Cool tune - it hooked me in for the listen. I thought the bass could come up a bit more in the mix.

Overall, excellent job - thanks for posting.

Hey Douglas, thanks for listening and commenting -- I'll take a listen to dat bass level~~Allan

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On 10/25/2019 at 5:51 PM, garybrun said:

Hi Allan.  (going through a lot of songs now Im back on line as promised)
Are you influenced by the Beatles?
liked the arrangement and vocal harmonies.
I can hear that you don't use auto tune...  not meant in a bad way.

Its very retro and 60's sounding.

Mix wise  (again just my opinions)  its very middle based.
I would like to hear more tone and separation.

Your composition skills are amazing.

Gary, thanks for listening and commenting -- glad ya dig my little demo~~Allan

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