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"Tempus fugit" long ambient guitar noodle : )


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Hi All,  messing around with a few short piano loops, played a bass line and had a good old, long, noodle. Guitar is one take and unedited, should have tuned it before ?

If you have absolutely nothing to do, you can listen to it ? It's 7 minutes of your life you won't get back !!!



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Piano sound reminds me of some of Ant Phillips' solo work (Private Parts & Pieces - Autumnal) - I hear the very slight tuning issue but it is masked by the effects on the guitar so it's hidden in the mix.

Nice work


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Hi Andy, thanks, can't take credits for the piano, used two short loops I had. Lucky for me reverb hides a multitude of sins ?, should have checked the tuning, though.



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Hi Nigel, thanks for listening, glad you like it.   I've tried melodyne last night but didn't like the result. Because of nerve damage and muscle dissease ,I really only can use two left hand fingers so I developed a way of  bendin g ,sliding and tapping notes I can't reach. According to the squigly line inside the blobs, stop me if I'm getting to technical ?,  I can't play in tune anyway. ?



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Nice melodious soundscape which give me vibes to Pink Floyd. The repetition of harmonies makes it meditative which I like. Perhaps it's only me but some of the higher notes on the lead guitar are a bit harsh on my ears. Maybe some EQ tweaking could easily fix that. 

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