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My 2 Cents

John Vere

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1. $0.02 + $99.98 is what you'd pay for a lifetime CbB.

2. What would you pay for yearly ongoing subscription?

3. What  would you pay for initial license and  then for ongoing updates?

1. zip, not interested.
2. $99 max, or $9.99/mo with ability to start and stop hassle free. I really only use  CbB a few times a year for collaborations with diehard CbB users. With @Zargg we exchange Studio One projects to start, and then individual .wav files after that.
3. $149 (loyalty) and $49 max.


Just my (one or two) Benjamins. ? 


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Pretty sleek plan, get thousands of people using the free version and then add a paid version with more bennys.  

I like stand alone so far as I would not want to be connecting to a server every time I use the software. Might be tempting to try again based on what they offer.

I'm on the outside looking in right now with not a lot of motive to do otherwise.

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