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Some Guy

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Good list here. A little too much to be honest, its overwhelming. Might have been better to split these up in separate threads. But im not sure how you could without it looking like you created 20 threads. This is pretty good info for the bakers. Its appreciated.

On ‎10‎/‎15‎/‎2019 at 1:52 PM, Some Guy said:

An Option to Merge MIDI Tracks would be nice.

  • Take all notes on the two tracks and create a new track with all the notes in one MIDI Clip.
    • Maybe this is already doable, just not in the places I looked.


You can drag one clip on top of another and bounce to clips. this merges clips in 3 clicks. I would agree a merge button might be nice but where to put it in an already bogged down menu.

On ‎10‎/‎15‎/‎2019 at 10:32 PM, Some Guy said:

I can crash Cakewalk by BandLab on-demand by Views -> Lyrics with an Empty Project open

  • Seems 100% Reproducible, at least on my PCs (3 of them)

I was able to crash cakewalk for the first time in probably a year after following your recipe.

As far as Staff view goes, im not sure. Hopefully they show some fixes but that thing has been simply "only maintained" since it's inception, not improved.

- Hey..This is helpful man. As a user of cakewalk, thanks for posting this detailed list. I'll write up the crash in lyric view later on today and hopefully its fixed by next release. Unless you already have. We might not always see eye to eye on issues but I have to respect this list you have compiled.


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If you don't have z3ta+, then the preset is unusable since it cannot load z3ta+.

This is a list of unusable presets of someone is using the base Cakewalk installation without a prior SONAR installation. 

It's not for people who installed CbB on top of an SPLAT install. If you did, then they will obviously work properly for you. 

For someone using bare CbB, 90% of the presets are unusable due to missing Plug-Ins that can no longer be obtained. 

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On 10/17/2019 at 10:39 AM, pwalpwal said:

agree, great list but maybe too much for a single topic - each of your first level bullet-points could be an individual post

If you split everything into a different tooic, then it creates a disorganized mess. This is also so I can add and remove things in the future as they issue updates and I use other parts of the DAW more thoroughly. 

Multiple topics would be even more overwhelming than this list (which has more bullets than necessary to make the formatting less "wall of text" ugly).

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I'm really kind of laughing at the discussion about how feedback should be given, when really... no one is obligated to waste their time doing it at all.

If this is the B.S. that will litter the thread, then it is not worth my time.  You do it.

I've grown exasperated with this kind of needless contrarianism .

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There's nothing childish about me deleting it.  You're free to make your own.

My original post claimed this.

If you've been using this and you ONLY have Cakewalk by BandLab, then any difference in sound you hear is in your imagination.

The only people for whom this will function are:

  1. People who installed CbB on top of an existing SONAR installation that included z3ta+ (and it's installed)
  2.  People who bought z3ta+ stand-alone and have it installed.

I checked every single FX chain distributed with CbB 1-by-1 for missing plug-ins.  I didn't just decide to copy and paste for laughs, and to irritate people with my bullet point nesting prowess.

Effects in Chains that are surrounded by parentheses are missing effects.  You cannot use those chains, as intended, because the effects are missing.  Additionally, you cannot reasonably "fix" this without a reference - as in, a SONAR Platinum installation with all of the plugins - since you don't really know what they're supposed to sound like.

Example - NONE of the plugins in this chain are installed on a PC with CbB and no pre-existing SONAR installation.  It's 100% non-functioning, and a person without a computer with SPLAT installed cannot fix it, even if they substitute their own plugins; because they have no clue what this FX Chain preset is supposed to sound like.

I shouldn't have to make this post, but alas...

Have a nice night.

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