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Howard Roberts


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Just happened to be watching an old western show called "The Deputy" (with Henry Fonda).

All of a sudden I heard some guitar licks coming from the TV that surprised the heck out of me!! I mean this was no standard run of the mill stuff. Who ever was playing that guitar was good. I mean REAL good.

Did some digging and found out a guitarist named James Marshall was the music director for the show. He hired a guy named Howard Roberts to play. He let him improvise over the stuff he wrote for the show. 

Wow, the show is worth the watch just to hear him play!!

And if your not into westerns, here is a YouTube video.



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6 hours ago, kennywtelejazz said:

That ought to keep you busy for the next 40 or 50 years xD

I have read reviews of people that took some lessons from him in the 70's that swear it changed their lives still to this day. Everything I am finding out about this guy is he was a great teacher and person.

Hard to believe I never heard of this guy till today. On a damn western show!!

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5 hours ago, Grem said:

I have read reviews of people that took some lessons from him in the 70's that swear it changed their lives still to this day. Everything I am finding out about this guy is he was a great teacher and person.

Hard to believe I never heard of this guy till today. On a damn western show!!

I studied with Barry Galbraith in the 70's . I was one of the last long term students he took on and I played in a guitar ensemble he formed for his top students.

Barry had just as much "Musical Cred" as Howard Roberts .Most guitarists in the know consider Barry to be the East Coast Equivalent of Howard .

Check out Barry's credentials


11 hours ago, kennywtelejazz said:


Hunt down his guitar method Super Chops ...



5 hours ago, Grem said:

I did!! And they want $240 for it!!

Amazon link

Wow !! I had no idea Super Chops went for so much money in today's market . ?

After I saw the price Amazon was selling it for I hunted down my PDF copy of Super Chops and found it  ?

                               Say !I know a guy that can offer you a great deal at $235.95 ? just kidding PM me....... maybe we can figure something out .


I sold my Howard Roberts style guitar about a year and a half ago . Rather than invade this thread w my media I posted a pic and a video of my guitar in the E Minor Improvisation Thread


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On 3/12/2024 at 9:55 PM, Grem said:


Hard to believe I never heard of this guy till today. On a damn western show!!

It's hard to believe I never heard of this guys son Jay Roberts till today  . He showed up in a video feed on u tube !!

Learn something new every day

Here he is showing his version of Super Chops 1

Jays u tube page also has videos documenting his father Howard Roberts playing Via spoken interviews .

Here's one .


This is the link to Jay Roberts videos on u tube . I have poked around and I can say he has some good videos.


all the best ,


Edited by kennywtelejazz
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On 3/17/2024 at 10:35 PM, Grem said:

Will watch them tomorrow when I get up. 


OK !  Great! ! Get all the rest you can . Your gonna need it when you go to climb the highest peak in the land called Mt Super Chops !

Once you set out learning how to play this type of stuff on the guitar . You will find the need to be Bright eyed , bushy tailed and fit for duty !

OK soldier ! you have been given a top secret security clearance . You have also been given The Super Chops material  ! This is no longer a drill !

Now drop and give me 50 ways to play an A Minor on the guitar with out repeating yourself . First while using a pick and then with out using a pick  ?


Edited by kennywtelejazz
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@kennywtelejazz Wow!! I just watched that Jay Roberts video!! Unbelievable!! I had to watch that first 30 seconds of the video several times!! I have never seen that type of practice technique!!

Any guitar player needs to watch that first 30 second of that video. 


[edit] Just watched the other video. Had no idea I have heard Howard all my life. He was just all over my fav TV shows!!

Great player. Uneducated. Self taught. Playing jazz like that??!!!

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10 hours ago, Grem said:

@kennywtelejazz Wow!! I just watched that Jay Roberts video!! Unbelievable!! I had to watch that first 30 seconds of the video several times!! I have never seen that type of practice technique!!

Any guitar player needs to watch that first 30 second of that video. 


[edit] Just watched the other video. Had no idea I have heard Howard all my life. He was just all over my fav TV shows!!

Great player. Uneducated. Self taught. Playing jazz like that??!!!

Hi Grem ! 

One thing is for sure ! there is no need to have a DNA test done on The Maury Show to determine if Howard Roberts is Jay Roberts father ?

Impressive guitar playing ability in the first 30 seconds ?  A must watch ...Yes !!! I would say so .

Jay is demonstrating beyond a shadow of a doubt in those first 30 seconds how it is possible for a guitar player to overcome the limitations most guitar players hit as brick walls in their playing ...

Having a full tank of gas in a car can give one the ability to go many places. The same applies to guitar and guitar playing .

When a guitar player has practiced arduously to maintain a full tank of chops on hand . The guitar player will have earned the ability to have a lot of headroom concerning what technical augmentations they can add and pull off comfortably in their music and playing .

I think it is important to mention three points here ,

1 , These skills are a perishable resource .  They must be maintained or they can be lost .

(On the other side of the coin if you loose them you can always work to get them back ) .

2,  The true gift of these hard won techniques are the key that will unlock ones ability to play the guitar expressively by granting the guitar player the freedom of getting out their own way .  No longer will they be held back by themselves due to a lack of technique .

3, Once the realization  presents itself that practicing these techniques will greatly aid in ones ability to play . One needs to decide on whether to focus on using these techniques  for playing the guitar or enhancing ones own ability to play music on the guitar.  Guitar playing and Music are sometimes two separate entities that carry their own deep satisfactions and rewards .

Nice rapping with you !

Kenny Roberts

Yeah Right! I wish  ?


Edited by kennywtelejazz
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25 minutes ago, kennywtelejazz said:

These skills are a perishable resource .  They must be maintained or they can be lost .

Yes, this is very true.  Sadly I have allowed myself to loose a lot of my hard earned abilities.  I am/been working to get some of them back.


31 minutes ago, kennywtelejazz said:

granting the guitar player the freedom of getting out their own way . 

Well said.

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