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Interesting news: MAGIX Insolvency


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Will be interesting to see how this affects Samplitude & Vegas especially here.  Articles are in German but Google translated fine (I think :))

1st article states?


Complete sale planned for the restructuring of the company

The search for international investors has begun

Operations will continue without restrictions with its approximately 200 employees




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Well, at least if Samplitude users get orphaned, they can always come over to Sonar.

Back during the Gibson Troubles, I bought Samplitude and used it for 2 months as a potential Plan B should Sonar unexpectedly come to some horrible end. Of all the DAWs I experimented with during that time, I liked Samplitude best. Mainly because it was the most like Sonar.

But their insistence on re-installing that bogus ASIO driver with every update put me off and I said "fudge it, I'll keep using Sonar until it stops working". A couple weeks later the BandLab deal was announced. 

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  On 3/12/2024 at 4:41 PM, bitflipper said:

But their insistence on re-installing that bogus ASIO driver with every update put me off and I said "fudge it, I'll keep using Sonar until it stops working". A couple weeks later the BandLab deal was announced. 


Yep, that Generic ASIO Driver is annoying.

You can uninstall it... but it should be an option.


Sad to see Magix having financial issues.

When SEK'D America was the distributor (Titus and Tilman the main developers), I almost took a job working with them in Santa Rosa, CA.

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  On 3/12/2024 at 4:49 PM, pwal³ said:

i have, and use occasionally, sf pro 13 and vegas 17, but there's no "login every 6 months" or whatever, so i have to assume they'll just keep working, they do what i need/expect

some might argue that magix should've jumped on the sub bandwagon


Their top DAW is already a sub and that option existed before the sub pandemic.   There is also Acid 365.

They have a lot of software that isn't a DAW.

Lackluster upgrades from former Sony software doesn't help.  There are people still using Acid Pro 7.  It's rare that when software divisions are sold things get better.  I guess that's what happens if you don't have the complete development team. 

You can be sure some enshitification will happen.

Image Line's CEO is a former Magix guy.  Maybe Image Line will buy them -doubtful.   

I think there is more doom when companies try the sub model.  Those prices go up as well.  Adobe subs have doubled since they first came out. 

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  On 3/13/2024 at 11:35 PM, User 905133 said:

Is Movavi any good?  Fanatical has a Movavi Bundle. This is all I know about it (only because I Googled "vegas pro v. movavi."


From the ads, it looks more consumer-y than Vegas Pro. Which may not be a bad thing, but every time I try something that's in that vein I get annoyed by the step-by-step handholding they all seem to have.

I want to open to a clean, ready to edit interface, not a "friendly" series of screens asking me to add clips, etc. It makes me feel like I'm filling out forms at the doctor's office.

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  On 3/13/2024 at 11:35 PM, User 905133 said:

Is Movavi any good?  Fanatical has a Movavi Bundle. This is all I know about it (only because I Googled "vegas pro v. movavi."


I like Movavi a lot, but my needs are basic - pretty much simple edits for online teaching that I do. It's not especially 'handy-holdy,' and I appreciate how fast it renders (compared to Magix, especially!)

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  On 3/27/2024 at 9:11 AM, CSistine said:

IMO they stumble, because they have done too many management games (sellings, reorganisations, priority changes, ...)! This annoys a lot of the competent stuff and if they leave, then they cannot be replaced easily! But YMMV.


That's common ins the business world.  There are plenty of people who helped founding a company and leave because the goalbecomes where 99% is about profits and the 1% is about the service they provide.

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I bought Movie makers 14 Pro for about $30 on sale. It came with a full version of Sony Sound Forge which clued me in to the fact that Movie Maker was a re branded Sony Vegas. Cool. All the tutorials were for Vegas. A few year later I was offered to up grade to 17 which I still use. It will crash after 5 edit moves if you don’t save it! 
I was later sent an offer to upgrade to 2023 but it sucks and it’s like moving from Cakewalk to Garage Band! So I never used it. I just got used to saving every minute, I have Filmora which I really should learn. But Vegas is just so easy to use. Until it crashes and you loose you last 20 edits. 
Magix, Steinberg, Ableton and FL Studio all install invasive ASIO generic drivers. I just found that out the hard way!! 
I personally won’t miss them if the fold. The only thing purchasing 2023 did is got rid of the nag screen from 17 that you couldn’t disable. 
Somehow I don’t think the original Sony Vegas was this buggy. 

Edited by John Vere
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  On 3/28/2024 at 2:32 AM, John Vere said:

I bought Movie makers 14 Pro for about $30 on sale. It came with a full version of Sony Sound Forge which clued me in to the fact that Movie Maker was a re branded Sony Vegas. Cool. All the tutorials were for Vegas. A few year later I was offered to up grade to 17 which I still use. It will crash after 5 edit moves if you don’t save it! 


My recollection is that Sonic Foundry sold both Sound Forge and Vegas to Sony (both of which Magix later acquired). I didn't follow the products closely, but I believe Sony tweaked / rebranded these products (both had Sony Screenblast versions at one point and there was evidently a Sony Screenblast version of Acid, also acquired from Sonic Foundry).  As I understand it Magix took the Sony versions and tweaked / rebranded them. 

I thought Movie Maker was a Windows Product. 

1999 SOS Article on Sonic Foundry's Vegas Pro.

I don't really know the complete history; so maybe somewhere in there Sony also acquired software from Windows and merged it into their version of Vegas?  In 2003 Sony called a version of their video editing software, "Screenblast Movie Studio." In my admittedly limited experience, "Screenblast" referred to the non-Pro versions of various products Sony acquired.


Edited by User 905133
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Sorry it’s called Movie Studio pro. 
What’s weird is it still shows as Vegas Movie Studio sometimes. 
 I like how it uses ASIO as well as you can use any DX or VST2 plugins. It’s supplied plug ins are all DX so that sort of dates it. 

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