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Softube VCA Compressor Worth $149 - Free During March 2024

Larry Shelby

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I am, yet again, reminded how terrible their website is.  

I copped this in the bundle a while back.  I consider it good, but rarely use it since I have several others that tackle the same duties that I'm just more familiar with.  Not to sound greedy, but it bums me out that I cannot seem to get another auth of this during the free offer when I already paid for it (even when attempting to"buy again"), but could use it on other rigs at our facility.  Waves pulls the same stuff.  I'm guessing this is to prevent reselling somehow.  

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15 minutes ago, CSistine said:

Thanks for the post, too!

I don't understand Softube! They could have made a lot of money if they gave it for say $10 - $15. And I think the marketing effect would have been about the same!

I think the logic is that once people own one of the compressors, they will likely buy the remaining two to complete the "Icons Compressor Collection". Hell, this might work on me.

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28 minutes ago, CSistine said:

Thanks for the post, too!

I don't understand Softube! They could have made a lot of money if they gave it for say $10 - $15. And I think the marketing effect would have been about the same!

There are plenty of anti iLok users out there.    Plus another one of those special downloaders that I loathe,

Nice that they allow 3 activations and I have 3 iLoks.  Eat that Waves!

Edited by kitekrazy
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1 hour ago, CSistine said:

Thanks for the post, too!

I don't understand Softube! They could have made a lot of money if they gave it for say $10 - $15. And I think the marketing effect would have been about the same!

They will certainly try to upsell us on something that costs more than $10, like the bundle.  

If you are not in the ecosystem yet, even a $10-15 isn't a no brainer for everyone as it is iLok based and they use a ecosystem installer.

Compressors are a dime a dozen.   And while this one might be pretty good, I won't pretend like it is a $150 value.  Even at $10 I would have passed.  At free I'll at least grab it.

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it is possible to side step the"ecosystem installer" and d/l individual installers.

my experience with proprietary installers is most cause more inconvenience than they claim to offer. recently closed an unresolved ticket with their "Software Central" which had trouble both syncing active installations and scanning successfully in Studio One. appears to have something to do with iLok, as jumping through a few hoops managed to temporarily solve the scan issue for now, until something changes again.  might have something to do with vst3 "compliance" as well, idk, i gave up.

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