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Piano Roll view



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  On 10/12/2019 at 2:40 PM, mefodia said:

Yes! I using top row 3!

"Does it work from Views > Piano Roll View [Menu Bar]?" - Does not work in Menu Bar!!!

It doesn’t open at all !!!


UPDATE: The following could not be confirmed/reproduced. While 100% consistent on my PC, evidently the issues is unique to my PC.  I have left it in as a strikeout just in case someone else finds it relevant to their PC (or knows what is causing the issue).

I was able to create a set of steps that prevented me from seeing the PRV either from the Menu > PRV method or the Alt + 3 method.  However, I did get something weird going on--false panes.  I suspect this is not what you did, but I will post my method in case there is a bug that also causes your problem.

Here's what I did: (1) Open PRV; (2) Undock PRV; (3) Minimize PRV; (4) X Out Minimized PRV; (5) Try to open PRV (a) from Menu, (b) from Alt + 3.

Steps (1) -> (4) created what looks like a false pane at the bottom. Doing Step (5) created what looks like another false pane higher up.  Tested with various lenses and "None."

Step (6) Change Screen Set - This caused the Multi Dock to appear and the PRV was there.

 Not sure if this applies to your issue, though.


UPDATE: The "false pane" can also be near the top--such as when I did Steps (1) -> (5) with the Multi Dock parked on top:


Clicking on the floating/minimized project title + Multi-Dock ("PRV TEST - MultiDock" on top of what looks like an overlapping "false" pane) gives me two project windows.


PS: In multiple re-creations, selecting a Screen Set allowed me to see the real MultiDock and then access the PRV. 

Edited by User 905133
to lighten the font; to un-strikeout selecting/changing a Screen Set; to note that the issue I encountered could not be reproduced and is most likely unique to my PC
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  On 10/12/2019 at 1:18 PM, MusicMan11712 (aka Dr. Steve) said:

Are you using the top row 3 [worked for me], or the number pad 3 [doesn't work for me]?

Does it work from Views > Piano Roll View [Menu Bar]?


Yes! I using top row 3!

"Does it work from Views > Piano Roll View [Menu Bar]?" - Does not work in Menu Bar!!!

It doesn’t open at all !!!

Edited by mefodia
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  On 10/12/2019 at 5:13 PM, Chuck E Baby said:

Heres what im guessing, im going out on a limb here but.......

Are you trying to open an audio track in the PRV. I could be wrong but worth a check.

you kind of need tracks/data to be able to open the PRV.


This might work for the OP!!!!

I am not sure if my 5-Step problem and 6th step solution relates to the OP, but I just duplicated the "ghost" pane/"phantom" doubled project window problem on a project with midi data.  The previous examples were without midi data. And there is another solution (other than using a screen set: Minimize Cakewalk, Restore it (Windows Task Bar). The "phantom" project window is gone, replaced (in my display) as black/background. Then, the Views > PRV View and Alt + 3 method bring it up.

I suspect my issue could be unique to my graphics card/PC, could be related to a re-draw issue, etc. but is probably not related to the original problem raised here.

If someone else can verify the Undock the PRV/MultiDock -> Minimize it -> X it Out [Close] -> Try-to-restore-it issue, I will report it as a bug (which might even be a known bug, like the "ghost" cursor). If not, I will just assume its unique to my PC.

PS: @Chuck E BabyI verified (at least on my system), that without a midi track [even an "empty" one], I could not open the PRV. Also, when I deleted the midi track, the PRV closed.   So maybe the OP doesn't have a midi track in the project?  That would be a simple fix, wouldn't it!!! If so, apologies for hijacking this Q/A.  ? What's the saying, the correct solution is usually the simplest one! 

PRV in MultiDock -> Undocked -> Minimized -> Closed [aka Xed Out] "Phantom" thing.


Edited by User 905133
to lighten the font; to note that the issue I encountered could not be reproduced and is most likely unique to my PC
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  On 10/12/2019 at 8:53 PM, Chuck E Baby said:

I couldn't seem to repro this following the steps above.


Thanks for testing that!  I will have to assume somehow my PC is inhabited (and inhibited) by phantoms and ghosts.  ? Since the consistent aberrations/apparitions  appear to be unique to my PC, I will update my prior posts on this.  (I'll add this to a list of excuses to upgrade my PC!) 

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  On 10/12/2019 at 10:21 PM, MusicMan11712 (aka Dr. Steve) said:

Yeah; I added an "Update" comment, left the pix, and did some strikeouts--just in case either someone gets the same issue or someone can identify the cause.


I worked on this quite a bit last night trying to repro in many different scenarios. I just couldn't get it to do what you did. I am impressed with this photo


Almost looks like one project is on top of another. With the bottom section being the default (look at the Browser tabs). Yet there is no search bar for the Browser in the bottom one. And the track option in the top section appear to be hovering over where the timeline is.

At first it thought maybe my repro wasn't correct. Because I tested this on one of my own Templates (big no no when trying to test). So I tried instead loading a new - Open Cakewalk>Start screen>New project. But still got the same. Wish I could be more help Steve. Interesting results no doubt.

Anyway, lets hope the OP comes back to tell us what's going on with his deal :D

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  On 10/13/2019 at 9:24 AM, Chuck E Baby said:

I worked on this quite a bit last night trying to repro in many different scenarios. I just couldn't get it to do what you did. I am impressed with this photo

It first it thought maybe my repro wasn't correct. Because I tested this on one of my own Templates (big no no when trying to test). So I tried instead loading a new - Open Cakewalk>Start screen>New project. But still got the same. Wish I could be more help Steve. Interesting results no doubt.

Anyway, lets hope the OP comes back to tell us what's going on with his deal :D


Thanks for trying to sort it out. I had a thought yesterday ("only" 4GB RAM as the cause?), but awoke this morning with another plausible explanation. my PC is an older one (BIOS (c) 2011). When Solo Rack / VCV stopped working, I did some research. My PC's chipset will support the minimum Open GL that was needed by the change; however, Windows 10 throttles it back and doesn't allow the PC to use the newer OpenGL functions.

I have bookmarks for the resources (as well as an OpenGL and some other testers) and without going into more detail,  it is possible that the Win10 "feature" which prevents me from using Solo Rack / VCV allows Cakewalk to give me phantoms and ghosts. I think l read that Cakewalk doesn't use OpenGL, but even so it is possible that the disabled/rolled back set of graphic abilities causes visual anomalies (phantoms and ghosts).

I am not "ready" to get an entire newer PC, but perhaps a "new-to-me" graphics card might get rid of the extremely rare bogus double project pane issue. BTW, the extra project window (as expected) has no functionality.  Thanks for the time you spent trying to re-create the problem.

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  On 10/12/2019 at 6:37 PM, User 905133 said:

If someone else can verify the Undock the PRV/MultiDock -> Minimize it -> X it Out [Close] -> Try-to-restore-it issue, I will report it as a bug (which might even be a known bug, like the "ghost" cursor). If not, I will just assume its unique to my PC.

PRV in MultiDock -> Undocked -> Minimized -> Closed [aka Xed Out] "Phantom" thing.




Officially, the bug (now fixed in 2019.11 build 54) is named "MultiDock draws unexpectedly after being minimized then closed."

Thanks to the development team for reproducing and fixing this rather obscure problem!!

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I couldn't open the Piano Roll View either, it was just grayed out.
I opened a new track with the [+] button and it shows two options as tabs:  Audio and Instrument.
I clicked on Instrument, then Create. (It gives me a TTS-1 window, which I minimized)
Now the Piano Roll View works!

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